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APipe Tester edited this page Apr 6, 2022 · 3 revisions

Documentation for strandedness_check.cwl

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runs how_are_we_stranded_here to determine RNAseq data strandedness


Uses how_are_we_stranded_here, a python package for testing strandedness. Runs Kallisto and Rseqc (infer-experiment-py) to to check which direction reads align once mapped in transcripts. It first creates a Kallisto index (or uses a pre-made index) of your organism's transcriptome. It then maps a small subset of reads (default 200000) to the transcriptome and uses Kallisto's --genomebam argument to project pseudoalignments to the genome sorted BAM file. (Currently only Kallisto version 0.44.0 works well with how_are_we_stranded_here.) It finally runs RSeQC's to check which direction reads from the first and second pairs are aligned in relation to the transcript strand, and provides output with the likely strandedness of your data.

Docker Requirement



Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
reference_annotation File
kallisto_index File
cdna_fasta File
reads1 File
reads2 File


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
strandedness_check stdout
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