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APipe Tester edited this page Apr 6, 2022 · 25 revisions

Documentation for rnaseq_star_fusion.cwl

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STAR-RNA-Seq alignment and transcript/gene abundance workflow


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
unaligned Raw data from rna sequencing; this custom type holds both the data file(s) and readgroup information. Data file(s) may be either a bam file, or paired fastqs. Readgroup information should be given as a series of key:value pairs, each separated by a space. This means that spaces within a value must be double quoted. The first key must be ID; consult the read group description in the header section of the SAM file specification for other, optional keys. Below is an example of an element of the input array: readgroup: "ID:xxx PU:xxx SM:xxx LB:xxx PL:ILLUMINA CN:WUGSC" sequence: fastq1: class: File path: /path/to/reads1.fastq fastq2: class: File path: /path/to/reads2.fastq OR bam: class: File path: /path/to/reads.bam ../types/sequence_data.yml#sequence_data[]
star_genome_dir ['string', 'Directory']
star_fusion_genome_dir ['string', 'Directory']
cdna_fasta File
reference ['string', 'File'] ['.fai', '^.dict']
reference_annotation File
trimming_adapters File
trimming_adapter_trim_end string
trimming_adapter_min_overlap int
trimming_max_uncalled int
trimming_min_readlength int
kallisto_index File
gene_transcript_lookup_table File
strand ['null', {'type': 'enum', 'symbols': ['first', 'second', 'unstranded']}]
refFlat File
ribosomal_intervals File
sample_name string
unzip_fastqs boolean?
examine_coding_effect boolean?
fusioninspector_mode ['null', {'type': 'enum', 'symbols': ['inspect', 'validate']}]
agfusion_database File
agfusion_annotate_noncanonical boolean?


Name Label Description Type Secondary Files
cram File ['.crai', '^.crai']
star_fusion_out File
star_junction_out File
star_fusion_log File
star_fusion_predict File
star_fusion_abridge File
stringtie_transcript_gtf File
stringtie_gene_expression_tsv File
transcript_abundance_tsv File
transcript_abundance_h5 File
gene_abundance File
metrics File
chart File
fusion_evidence File
strand_info File[]
bamcoverage_bigwig File
final_bam File ['.bai']
annotated_fusion_predictions Directory
coding_region_effects File?
fusioninspector_evidence File[]?


Name CWL Run
sequence_to_trimmed_fastq subworkflows/sequence_to_trimmed_fastq.cwl
strandedness_check tools/strandedness_check.cwl
star_align_fusion tools/star_align_fusion.cwl
star_fusion_detect tools/star_fusion_detect.cwl
kallisto tools/kallisto.cwl
transcript_to_gene tools/transcript_to_gene.cwl
sort_bam tools/samtools_sort.cwl
mark_dup tools/mark_duplicates_and_sort.cwl
index_bam tools/index_bam.cwl
stringtie tools/stringtie.cwl
generate_qc_metrics tools/generate_qc_metrics.cwl
bam_to_cram tools/bam_to_cram.cwl
index_cram tools/index_cram.cwl
cgpbigwig_bamcoverage tools/bam_to_bigwig.cwl
agfusion tools/agfusion.cwl
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