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APipe Tester edited this page Aug 10, 2022 · 7 revisions

List of subworkflows CWLs

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CWL Description
align.cwl Unaligned to aligned BAM
align_sort_markdup.cwl Unaligned bam to sorted, markduped bam
bam_readcount.cwl bam_readcount workflow
bam_to_trimmed_fastq_and_biscuit_alignments.cwl bam to trimmed fastqs and biscuit alignments
bgzip_and_index.cwl bgzip and index VCF
bisulfite_qc.cwl Bisulfite QC tools
cellranger_mkfastq_and_count.cwl running cellranger mkfastq and count
cnvkit_single_sample.cwl Subworkflow that runs cnvkit in single sample mode and returns a vcf file
cram_to_bam_and_index.cwl cram_to_bam workflow
cram_to_cnvkit.cwl Subworkflow to allow calling cnvkit with cram instead of bam files
docm_cle.cwl Detect Docm variants
docm_germline.cwl Detect DoCM variants
duplex_alignment.cwl umi duplex alignment workflow
filter_vcf.cwl Apply filters to VCF file
filter_vcf_nonhuman.cwl Apply filters to VCF file
fp_filter.cwl fp_filter workflow
gatk_haplotypecaller_iterator.cwl scatter GATK HaplotypeCaller over intervals
generate_fda_metrics.cwl Calculate FDA-requested metrics on all aligned and unaligned sequence files
germline_detect_variants.cwl exome alignment and germline variant detection
germline_filter_vcf.cwl Apply filters to VCF file
hs_metrics.cwl HS Metrics workflow
joint_genotype.cwl joint genotyping for trios or small cohorts
merge_svs.cwl Merge, annotate, and generate a TSV for SVs
molecular_alignment.cwl umi molecular alignment workflow
molecular_qc.cwl umi molecular alignment workflow
mutect.cwl mutect parallel workflow
phase_vcf.cwl phase VCF
pindel.cwl pindel parallel workflow
pindel_cat.cwl Per-region pindel
pindel_region.cwl Run pindel on provided region
pvacseq.cwl Workflow to run pVACseq from detect_variants and rnaseq pipeline outputs
qc_exome.cwl Exome QC workflow
qc_exome_no_verify_bam.cwl Exome QC workflow
qc_wgs.cwl WGS QC workflow
qc_wgs_nonhuman.cwl WGS QC workflow nonhuman
sequence_align_and_tag_adapter.cwl adapter for sequence_align_and_tag
sequence_to_bqsr.cwl Raw sequence data to BQSR
sequence_to_bqsr_nonhuman.cwl Alignment without BQSR
sequence_to_trimmed_fastq.cwl sequence (bam or fastqs) to trimmed fastqs
sequence_to_trimmed_fastq_and_hisat_alignments.cwl sequence (bam or fastqs) to trimmed fastqs and HISAT alignments
single_cell_rnaseq.cwl Running cellranger count and lineage inference
single_sample_sv_callers.cwl Subworkflow to allow calling different SV callers which require bam files as inputs
strelka_and_post_processing.cwl strelka workflow
strelka_process_vcf.cwl process VCF workflow
sv_depth_caller_filter.cwl Filter single sample sv vcf from depth callers(cnvkit/cnvnator)
sv_paired_read_caller_filter.cwl Filter single sample sv vcf from paired read callers(Manta/Smoove)
umi_alignment.cwl umi per-lane alignment subworkflow
varscan.cwl varscan somatic workflow
varscan_germline.cwl Varscan Workflow
varscan_pre_and_post_processing.cwl Varscan Workflow
vcf_eval_cle_gold.cwl CLE gold vcf evaluation workflow
vcf_eval_concordance.cwl Vcf concordance evaluation workflow
vcf_readcount_annotator.cwl Add snv and indel bam-readcount files to a vcf
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