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Summon Clone

Provismet edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 2 revisions

Entity Action Type

The action is only compatible with players, attempting to summon clones of non-player entities will log a warning. Summons a clone of the player at their current position. The clone is tamed by the player, shares their skin, will fight for and defend the player, and will follow the player if at a distance.


Field Type Default Description
can_sit Boolean true Determines whether the clone can be sat down by being right-clicked by its owner.
can_attack Boolean true Determines whether the clone can attack and chase mobs in combat with its owner or itself.
follow_owner Boolean true Determines whether the clone should chase after its owner if they get too far away.
inherit_equipment Boolean true Determines whether or not the clone should copy the player's equipment (this equipment is never dropped on death).
inherit_enchantments Boolean true If the clone inherits equipment from the player, this determines whether the enchantments on the equipment should also be copied to the clone.
bientity_action Bientity Action Type Optional If the clone is summoned successfully, this action executed with the player as the actor and the clone as the target.

Clone Specifications

  • Clones have the same dimensions as the player.
  • They are classified as hostile mobs (this is to allow them to share Skeleton and Pillager AI for combat).
  • They are classified as tameable mobs with the summoner as their owner.
  • They have 20 health (10 hearts).
  • They share the skin and body type (normal / slim arms) of the owner.
  • As with standard tamed animals, a sitting clone cannot move or attack.
    • The sitting animation is the "mounted" animation and will have the clone sit on the floor.
  • Clones are Living Entities and are allowed to have powers (see the Splinter for an example of this).
  • Clones despawn after 1200 ticks.
  • Clones in combat have a speed of 1.35 (slightly faster than player sprint speed) and can shoot from 32 blocks away.
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