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Jelly Sculk

Provi edited this page Oct 6, 2023 · 4 revisions


A jellyfish sculk creature.

Origin ID: proviorigins:jelly


The Jelly Sculk sacrifices its combat prowess for powerful exploration abilities. They are extremely fragile with only 5 hearts, but are immune to fall damage, can gain speed on sculk, and can double jump.

Its main power is its ability to see the world through vibrations; the Jelly Sculk can detect vibrations made by living entities, including vibrations passed through a sculk sensor. However, the Jelly Sculk can only see entities after detecting their vibrations, leaving them completely vulnerable to sneaking players and entities on wool/carpet.

With their ability to emit no vibrations themselves, the Jelly Sculk can safely and quickly loot Ancient Cities, potentially gaining a strong early advantage.


See the power list here.

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