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Action On Detect Vibration

Provismet edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 4 revisions

Power Type

Turns the entity into a vibration listener, activating a bientity action whenever a vibration is received. A vibration particle will fly from the emitting entity to the owner of this power if the vibration is accepted.
Standard vibration rules apply: wool and carpet will block vibrations, sneaking entities will also not emit certain vibrations to the power owner.

Type ID: proviorigins:action_on_detect_vibration

Only vibrations with an owner (such as walking) are accepted. Any vibration without an owner (such as redstone contraptions) will be ignored.
The actor is the entity that created the vibration. The target is the entity that detected the vibration (has this power).


Field Type Default Description
range Float How many blocks away vibrations can be detected from.
game_event_tag Identifier minecraft:warden_can_listen Game Events in this tag are accepted by the power.
bientity_action Bientity Action Type The bientity action to be execute in response to the vibration.
bientity_condition Bientity Condition Type optional If specified the vibration will only be accepted if the bientity condition is fulfilled.


    "type": "proviorigins:action_on_detect_vibration",
    "range": 16,
    "bientity_action": {
        "type": "origins:actor_action",
        "action": {
            "type": "origins:set_on_fire",
            "duration": 3
    "bientity_condition": {
        "type": "origins:actor_condition",
        "condition": {
            "type": "origins:entity_type",
            "entity_type": "minecraft:zombie"

This example makes zombies catch fire for 3 seconds if they make a vibration detected by the player.

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