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Raycast Teleport

Provismet edited this page Jun 14, 2023 · 3 revisions

Entity Action Type

Fires a raycast from the entity's looking direction and then teleports the entity to the block that it hits.

Type ID: proviorigins:raycast_teleport


Field Type Default Description
distance Float The maximum distance of the raycast.
destination String Either "direct" or "on_top". Controls where the entity should be placed relative to the block hit by the raycast.
allow_water Boolean false Only applies if destination is set to "on_top". Determines whether or not the entity is allowed to teleport into water.
allow_lava Boolean false Only applies if destination is set to "on_top". Determines whether or not the entity is allowed to teleport into lava.
shape_type Shape Type "outline" Determines how the raycast interacts with shapes.
fluid_handling Fluid Handling "any" Determines how the raycast interacts with fluids.
success_action Entity Action Type Optional An action to execute on the entity after the raycast has hit a block and the entity teleported.
miss_action Entity Action Type Optional An action to execute on the entity if the raycast fails to hit a block or if the entity fails to teleport.
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