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Provi edited this page Oct 6, 2023 · 6 revisions


A fragile warrior, but a master of deception and fragmentation. The Splinter uses summoned clones of themself and trickery to survive.

Origin ID: proviorigins:splinter


The Splinter fills the glasscannon niche. It lacks sufficient defense but has strong offense and combat-related utility through illusions and swapping positions with clones.

The main ability of the Splinter is to summon clones of themself, Splinters can make further use of their clones through their secondary and tertiary abilities. The key to surviving as a Splinter is to make smart use of the clones to avoid danger.

Combat as a Splinter is very different from normal Minecraft combat. Swapping held items to summon the right clone and using mana only as necessary can mean the difference between life and death.


See the power list here.

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