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Illusioner Mirror

Provi edited this page Oct 6, 2023 · 4 revisions

Power Type

Creates illusionary copies of an entity, centred on their position. This is very similar to the Illusioner mob.

Type ID: proviorigins:illusioner_mirror


Field Type Default Description
distance Float If line illusions are used then this is the distance between illusions/the user. If spread is used then this is the maximum distance from the user.
layers Integer The number of illusions to create. This is doubled when using line.
illusion_spread String Either line or spread. Controls whether to create illusions in a line or to randomly spread them from the user.
resource Resource Power Type or Cooldown Power Type Optional If present, the distance will be multiplied by the value of the resource. This allows the illusion distance to be variable.


    "type": "origins:multiple",

    "internal_cooldown": {
        "type": "origins:cooldown",
        "cooldown": 160

    "activate_skill": {
        "type": "origins:active_self",
        "key": {
            "key": ""
        "entity_action": {
            "type": "origins:trigger_cooldown",
            "power": "proviorigins:example_internal_cooldown"

    "illusion_spread": {
        "type": "proviorigins:illusioner_mirror",
        "distance": 0.0125,
        "illusion_spread": "line",
        "resource": "proviorigins:example_internal_cooldown",
        "layers": 2,
        "condition": {
            "type": "origins:resource",
            "resource": "proviorigins:example_internal_cooldown",
            "comparison": ">=",
            "compare_to": 1

This example creates 4 illusions (2 either side) of the user when the primary active key is pressed. The illusions will get closer to the user every tick, eventually merging with the user and then disappearing.
Note that inactive cooldowns have a value of 0 when read.

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