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Police Precincts

Matt Schell edited this page Jul 10, 2018 · 1 revision

The New York Police Department maintains police precinct boundaries. Police Precincts contain two or more Police-Sectors, which nest within Precincts.

The New York Police Department has been actively re-aligning sector boundaries in phases, though these phases have not resulted in major changes to precinct boundaries. However the Police Department does make continuous changes to Precinct boundaries to better align them with related geographies like street centerlines.

Open Data Portal

Maintained by the New York Police Department. Clipped to shoreline.

This dataset includes sliver artifacts that are the result of clipping the precincts to a shoreline that does not align perfectly with boundaries that are defined at the water's edge. For example, the southern tip of Roosevelt Island appears to be shared by three precincts. Precinct 61 in southern Brooklyn crosses Dead Horse Bay to create slivers along the shoreline of precinct 63.

City Databases

The Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications receives from the New York Police Department un-clipped to shoreline police precincts that are stored in the Citywide Street Centerline database. These police precincts are not currently published.

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