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fromgate edited this page Jun 4, 2017 · 3 revisions

Set value of specified delay (sets estimated time). This action is used in bound with DELAY_PLAYER flag.

DELAY_PLAYER <id> <delayTime> [player] [add]

Parameter Parameter value Description
<id> id:<DelayId> Delay id, that should be set
<delayTime> time:<Time> Value that should be got by delay
[player] player<Player> Player name to set player's personal variable. If omitted current player name will be used
[add] add:<true / false> Add provide time value to current delay time, if it already active

Temporary placeholders provided by this action

Placeholder Description
%delay-fulltime% Time (full format — "dd-MM-YYYY HH:mm:ss") when delay time will overdue. Example: 10-2017 08:00:15
%delay-time% Time (shorе format — "HH:mm:ss") when delay time will overdue. Example: 08:00:15
%delay-left% Time left. Universal format. Example: 1d 5h 3m 15s.
If time left value is lesser than 1 day (hour, minutes) corresponding fields will skipped. Example: 3m 25s
%delay-left-full% Time left. Full format. Example: 1d 05:03:15
%delay-left-hms% Time left. HH:MM:SS format. Example: 05:03:15.
%delay-left-hh% Time left. Hours only. Example: 05
%delay-left-mm% Time left. Minutes only. Example: 03
%delay-left-ss% Time left. Seconds only. Example: 15
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