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fromgate edited this page Jun 17, 2017 · 3 revisions

You can use variables to store string, boolean and numerical values to variables (global and personal variables supported) and use it later in any activator.

There's some actions and flags that implements variable support.


Action Description
VAR_SET Create global variable. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_PLAYER_SET Create personal variable. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_CLEAR Remove global variable. Parameter: id:<id>
VAR_PLAYER_CLEAR Remove personal variable. Parameter: id:<id>
VAR_INC Increase global variable value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_PLAYER_INC Increase personal variable value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_DEC Decrease global variable value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_PLAYER_DEC Decrease personal variable value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>


Flag Description
VAR_EXIST Checks existance of global variable.Parameter: <id>
VAR_PLAYER_EXIST Checks existance of personal variable. Parameter: <id>
VAR_COMPARE Compares global variable with value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_PLAYER_COMPARE Compares personal variable with value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_GREATER Checks is global variable greater than given value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_PLAYER_GREATER Checks is personal variable greater than given value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_LOWER Checks is global variable lower than given value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_PLAYER_LOWER Checks is personal variable lower than given value. Parameters: id:<id> value:<value>
VAR_MATCH Check is value of provided variable is matches (using Regualar Expressions) to provided value
VAR_PLAYER_MATCH Check is value of provided personal variable is matches (using Regualar Expressions) to provided value
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