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fromgate edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 4 revisions

This action is used when you need to pull out point data from the text

REGEX <input> <regex> [prefix]

Element Possible values Description
<input> input:<Text> Text to be filtered. The text should be indicated in curly brackets, preferably.
<regex> regex:<RegExp>} Filter (regular expression).
<prefix> prefix<Prefix> Prefix added to temporary placeholders. It is necessary that you can use several REGEX actions in one activator.

Temporary placeholders provided by this activator

Placeholder Description
The result of the action of the REGEX action. N is the sequence number of occurrences in the text (0 ... N), M - the ordinal number of the elements of the group (0 ... M).


  1. We will display the coordinates of the mob in separate variables, when the player clicks on it with the right mouse button.
    mob-type: zombie
    - MESSAGE=%moblocation%
    - REGEX=input:{%moblocation%} regex:{[^,]+}
    - 'MESSAGE=world: %group00%'
    - 'MESSAGE=x: %group10%'
    - 'MESSAGE=y: %group20%'
    - 'MESSAGE=z: %group30%'
    - 'MESSAGE=alfa: %group40%'
    - 'MESSAGE=beta: %group50%'
  1. We display a filtered message: The player enters the text: $$Hello world! The chat appears: Hello World!
    mask: '$$'
    type: START
    source: CHAT_INPUT
    - CANCEL_EVENT=true
    - 'REGEX=input:{%message%} regex:{(\$\$)(.*)}'
    - 'BROADCAST=%player_name% : %group02%'
  1. Applying several REGEX actions in one activator: Suppose there is a text:
    $$Hello world! *My coordinates are: world, 100,90, -124,175.3,25.23
    And we need from the text to get Hello world!, and then coordinates world,100,90,-124,175.3,25.23 in separate variables.
    mask: $$
    type: START
    source: CHAT_INPUT
    - CANCEL_EVENT=true
    - REGEX=input:{%message%} regex:{(\$\$)(.*)\s(\*)(.*):\s(.*)}
    - 'BROADCAST=%player_name% : %group02%'
    - REGEX=input:{%group05%} regex:{[^,]+} prefix:my_2_
    - 'MESSAGE=world: %my_2_group00%'
    - 'MESSAGE=x: %my_2_group10%'
    - 'MESSAGE=y: %my_2_group20%'
    - 'MESSAGE=z: %my_2_group30%'
    - 'MESSAGE=alfa: %my_2_group40%'
    - 'MESSAGE=beta: %my_2_group50%'
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