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Remove chimeric reads
Our script chimera_filter.pl wraps VSEARCH, which implements the uchime algorithm, to remove chimeric reads.
Here is an example command:
chimera_filter.pl -type 1 -db /usr/local/db/single_strand/Bacteria_RDP_trainset15_092015.fa fasta_files/*
Where "-type 1" means that any reads clearly called as chimeric AND reads that are ambiguous are filtered out.
Note that a DB file needs to be input as well. You can download the versions we use from our requirements page.
Note that it is possible that the settings of "mindiv" and "minh" (see http://www.drive5.com/usearch/manual/UCHIME_score.html) could have significant effects on results. However, so far we have found that small adjustments in these parameters has only a minor effect on sensitivity and specificity when running chimera checking for 16S sequences.
If you'd like to use USEARCH v6.1 (this is not open-source, but you can look into the license for a 32-bit version at the USEARCH website) instead of VSEARCH, you can use the older version of our script called "chimera_filter_usearch61.pl" (the options are mainly the same).
-h, --help
Displays the entire help documentation. -
-v, --version
Displays version number and exits. -
--type <[0|1]>
Non-chimeric output type, either only sequences that are clearly non-chimeric (1) or all sequences that are not called as chimeric ( 0 - includes borderline sequences, "?" in uchime output). -
--mindiv < float >
Min % divergence between query and target sequence (default 1.5, note that this differs from the uchime default of 0.8). -
--minh < float >
Min score to be called as chimeric (default 0.2, note that this differs from the uchime default of 0.28). -
-o, --out_dir
Output directory for filtered fastq files. Default is "non_chimeras". -
--thread <# of CPUs>
Using this option without a value will use all CPUs on machine, while giving it a value will limit to that many CPUs. Without option only one CPU is used. -
Flag to indicate that temporary log files should not be removed (useful for troubleshooting). Also, will prevent the "nonchimera" and "unclear" specific fastas from being removed when type == 0. -
The location to write the log file. -
-db, --database
Database of 16S sequences to use as a reference (FASTA file).
- Please feel free to post a question on the Microbiome Helper google group if you have any issues.
- General comments or inquires about Microbiome Helper can be sent to [email protected].