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DADA2 16S Chemerin Tutorial
This tutorial outlines how to process 16S rRNA sequencing data with the DADA2 pipeline. This tutorial is based on the DADA2 Big Data Tutorial and our previous 16S tutorial. We have written R scripts to allow the DADA2 pipeline to be run from the command-line.
Author: Gavin Douglas
First created: Sept 2017
- Basic unix skills (This is a good introductory tutorial: http://korflab.ucdavis.edu/bootcamp.html).
- The exact commands we'll be running assume that you're running this tutorial on our Ubuntu Desktop virtual image. If you are running it elsewhere just be aware you will need to change the file paths. If you are not using our virtual box you will need:
Amplicon sequencing is a common method of identifying which taxa are present in a sample based on amplified marker genes. This approach contrasts with shotgun metagenomics where all the DNA in a sample is sequenced. The most common marker gene used for prokaryotes is the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. It features regions that are conserved among these organisms, as well as variable regions that allow distinction among organisms. These characteristics make this gene useful for analyzing microbial communities at reduced cost compared to shotgun metagenomics approaches. Only a subset of variable regions are generally sequenced for amplicon studies and you will see them referred to as V3-V4 (i.e. variable regions 3 to 4) in scientific papers. For this tutorial we will process V6-V8 amplified sequences.
This tutorial dataset was originally used in a project to determine whether knocking out the protein chemerin affects gut microbial composition. Originally 116 mouse samples acquired from two different facilities were used for this project (only a subset of samples were used in this tutorial dataset, for simplicity). Metadata associated with each sample is indicated in the mapping file (map.txt). In this mapping file the genotypes of interest can be seen: wildtype (WT), chemerin knockout (chemerin_KO) and chemerin receptor knockout (CMKLR1_KO). Also of importance are the two source facilities: "BZ" and "CJS". It is generally a good idea to include as much metadata as possible, since this data can easily be explored later on.
If you are running this tutorial as part of EMBL-EBI's Metagenomics workshop then the tutorial files should already be on your computer. You can copy the zipped folder to the Desktop, unzip it, and enter the folder to get started.
cd ~/Desktop
cp ~/Documents/16S_chemerin_tutorial.zip ~/Desktop
unzip 16S_chemerin_tutorial.zip
cd 16S_chemerin_tutorial
Otherwise you can download the tutorial files by replacing the cp
command above with the below wget
wget http://kronos.pharmacology.dal.ca/public_files/tutorial_datasets/16S_chemerin_tutorial.zip
Before going any further we will need to specify the anaconda environment to work in, which is a helpful package manager. Using different anaconda environments is convenient on systems where there could be different versions of programs used for different projects. In this case we will be using the qiime1
environment, which is already set-up.
source /anaconda2/bin/activate qiime1
Note when you want to deactivate this environment you can type:
source /anaconda2/bin/deactivate
DADA2 infers the error rates from the reads themselves and will have trouble if primer sequences are included so we first need to remove them. We will do so by running cutadapt
on each pair of FASTQs with GNU parallel
Before running all FASTQs in parallel however, it may be helpful to look at a single cutadapt
command, which you do not need to run. This command will first determine if the matching primer sequences arefound at the beginning of each read in a pair (with up to 10% of bases differing) and if so this pair will be trimmed and written to output.
Note: the \ characters in the below commands are just used to break up commands over multiple lines for clarity. These are not necessary to use for your own commands.
cutadapt \
--pair-filter any \
--no-indels \
--discard-untrimmed \
-o primer_trimmed_fastqs/109CHE6WT_S369_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz \
-p primer_trimmed_fastqs/109CHE6WT_S369_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz \
fastq/109CHE6WT_S369_L001_R1_001.fastq fastq/109CHE6WT_S369_L001_R2_001.fastq
This command is being run on paired FASTQs: 109CHE6WT_S369_L001_R1_001.fastq
and 109CHE6WT_S369_L001_R2_001.fastq
. The options mean:
--pair-filter any
: if either read fails the filtering criterion, both will be discarded. -
: no INDELs are permitted in primer sequences. -
: discard reads that do not contain the matching sequence. -
: the forward and reverse primer sequences to be matched respectively (note they contain IUPAC characters).
is a handy way to get around writing out this command for each pair of reads. It can be slightly confusing at first, but it is extremely useful once you master it! You can see a brief tutorial on GNU parallel here.
The below command will run cutadapt
on all FASTQs. The --link
option is extremely important in this case as it specifies that there are two input files to each parallel
Running parallel with the --dry-run
option is a good way to double-check that the commands are being specified correctly (they will be printed to screen, but not run).
mkdir primer_trimmed_fastqs
parallel --link --jobs 9 \
'cutadapt \
--pair-filter any \
--no-indels \
--discard-untrimmed \
-o primer_trimmed_fastqs/{1/}.gz \
-p primer_trimmed_fastqs/{2/}.gz \
{1} {2} \
> primer_trimmed_fastqs/{1/}_cutadapt_log.txt' \
::: fastq/*_R1_*.fastq ::: fastq/*_R2_*.fastq
Each sample's logfile created above can be parsed to put the counts of passing reads into a single table (cutadapt_log.txt
by default).
parse_cutadapt_logs.py \
-i primer_trimmed_fastqs/*log.txt
We will now be filtering out low quality reads from the dataset so we should take a look at the quality distribution of our reads. The commands below will generate a quality report per sample which you can open in a browser.
mkdir primer_trimmed_fastqc_out
fastqc -t 4 primer_trimmed_fastqs/*fastq.gz -o primer_trimmed_fastqc_out/
You should see plots like this for the distribution of quality scores per base-pair: BOXPLOTS
Notice that the reverse reads' quality scores dips off much sooner than the forward reads. Why would this be?
dada2_filter.R \
-f primer_trimmed_fastqs --truncLen 270,210 --maxN 0 \
--maxEE 3,7 --truncQ 2 --threads 9 --f_match _R1_.*fastq.gz \
--r_match _R2_.*fastq.gz --verbose &> dada2_filter_log.txt
dada2_inference.R \
-f filtered_fastqs/ --seed 4124 -t 9 --verbose --plot_errors \
&> dada2_inference_log.txt
dada2_chimera_taxa.R -i seqtab.rds \
-r ~/Documents/dada2_rdp_ref/rdp_train_set_16.fa.gz \
--skip_species -t 9 --verbose &> dada2_chimera_taxa_log.txt
merge_logfiles.R \
-i cutadapt_log.txt,dada2_filter_read_counts.txt,dada2_inferred_read_counts.txt,dada2_nonchimera_counts.txt \
-n cutadapt,filter,infer,chimera
convert_dada2_out.R -i \
seqtab_final.rds -b seqtab.biom -f seqtab.fasta --taxa_in tax_final.rds
biom add-metadata -i seqtab.biom -o seqtab_tax.biom --observation-metadata-fp \
taxa_metadata.txt --observation-header OTUID,taxonomy --sc-separated taxonomy
biom summarize-table -i seqtab.biom -o seqtab_summary.txt
single_rarefaction.py -i seqtab_tax.biom -o seqtab_tax_rarified.biom -d 200
align_seqs.py -i seqtab.fasta -o pynast_aligned_seqs
filter_alignment.py -o pynast_aligned_seqs -i pynast_aligned_seqs/seqtab_aligned.fasta
make_phylogeny.py -i pynast_aligned_seqs/seqtab_aligned_pfiltered.fasta -o dada2_seqs.tre
beta_diversity_through_plots.py -m map.txt -t dada2_seqs.tre -i seqtab.biom -o plots/bdiv_otu
alpha_rarefaction.py -i seqtab_tax_rarified.biom -o plots/alpha_rarefaction_plot -t dada2_seqs.tre -m map.txt --min_rare_depth 25 --max_rare_depth 200 --num_steps 8
biom_to_stamp.py -m taxonomy seqtab_tax_rarified.biom > seqtab_tax_rarified.spf
- Please feel free to post a question on the Microbiome Helper google group if you have any issues.
- General comments or inquires about Microbiome Helper can be sent to [email protected].