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Table of Contents


English Japanese Remarks
Carrier-based Aircraft 艦載機 According to official library sprites
Carrier-based Dive Bomber 艦上爆撃機;艦爆
Carrier-based Fighter 艦上戦闘機;艦戦
Carrier-based Recon 艦上偵察機;艦偵
Carrier-based Torpedo Bomber 艦上攻撃機;艦攻
Torpedo 魚雷


English Japanese Remarks
~ -class ~型 As a name of a ship class
Admiral 提督
Admiral's Room(second line)Flagship 旗艦提督室 When appeared as a button or other objects. "Flagship" should use smaller fonts.
Admiral's Room, Flagship 旗艦提督室 When appeared in an article
Aircraft Carrier 正規空母 According to official library sprites
Aircraft-carrying Submarine 潜水空母
Armored Carrier 装甲空母 No official library sprites available for this term.
Aviation Battleship 航空戦艦
Aviation Cruiser 航空巡洋艦
Battleship 戦艦
Carrier Task Force 空母機動部隊 When referring to a kind of Combined Fleet in-game ONLY. For historical fleets, check "Mobile Fleet"
Combined Fleet 連合艦隊 For the in-game system.
Construction 建造
Destroyer 駆逐艦
Development 開発
Exercise 演習
Factory 工場;工廠 One in post-war Japanese, one in pre-war.
Flagship 旗艦
Fleet Girl 艦娘 As per official term
Flying Boat Tender 飛行艇母艦 For Akitsushima only; if the original text describes her as 水上機母艦, use "seaplane carrier" instead.
Heavy Cruiser 重巡洋艦
Homeport 母港
Improved ~-class 改~型 For ship class names with a 改 prefix.
Improvement 改修
Junnsenn B-class Kai Ni 巡潜乙型改二 Do not add another "-class" at the end.
Kaitai VI-class 海大VI型
Kou-class 甲型 As an alternative name of the Kagerou-class, do NOT translate as "A-class". The same rule applies to Otsu-class (Akizuki-class), Hei-class (Shimakaze-class) etc.
Light Aircraft Carrier 軽空母 According to official library sprites
Light Cruiser 軽巡洋艦
Modernization 近代化改修
Modified ~-class 改装された~型;改修された~型、etc. For non-class-name usage that describes a remodeled ship class.
Naval District 鎮守府
Operation 戦略
Organize; Organizaion 編成
Refit 改装 When referring to the broader range of actions that includes modernization, change of equipment, and remodelling.
Remodel 改装;改造 When referring to the action of transforming a ship from pre-kai to kai or kai to kai ni, etc.
Resupply 補給
Ro-grade Submarine 呂号潜水艦 Wikia uses "Ro-class" but this is not a ship class. Same with 伊号潜水艦.
Seaplane Carrier 水上機母艦 According to official library sprites
Sortie 出撃
Special I-class 特Ⅰ型 As an alternative name of the early model of the Fubuki-class. Likewise, 特Ⅱ型 will be "Special II-class", etc.
Special Ship Hei-class Amphibious Assault Ship 特種船丙型揚陸艦 The ship class to which Akitsu Maru belongs.
Submarine 潜水艦
Surface Task Force 水上打撃部隊 Can also be used when referring to historical fleets.
Torpedo Cruiser 重雷装艦;重雷装巡洋艦 In the unlikely case that a non-CLT ship is being described as "重雷装", use appropriate terms to replace "cruiser"
Training Cruiser 練習巡洋艦
Type IXC U-boat UボートIXC型 Do not add another "-class" at the end.

##Historical Terminology

English Japanese Remarks
Combined Fleet 連合艦隊 For the historical fleet.
Commander 司令; 司令官 Actually 司令 is different from 司令官, but KC mixed them up.
Mobile Fleet 機動部隊
Out-range (Tactics) アウトレンジ(戦法)
Xth Carrier Division 第X航空戦隊;X航戦 Not to be confused with "Carrier Fleet"
Xth Carrier Fleet 第X航空艦隊 Not to be confused with "Carrier Division"
Xth Destroyer Division 第X駆逐隊
Xth Division 第X戦隊 Not to be confused with "Fleet"
Xth Fleet 第X艦隊 Not to be confused with "Division"
Xth Torpedo Division 第X水雷戦隊 Caution: for consistency, despite its popularity, the term "Torpedo Squadron" is not recommended.

##Locations Refer to

English Japanese Remarks
Naval District Sea 鎮守府海域
Southwest Islands 南西諸島海域
Northern Sea 北方海域
Western Sea 西方海域
Southern Sea 南方海域
Central Sea 中部海域
South Anchorage Sea 南方泊地海域
North Anchorage Sea 北方泊地海域
South Connecting Sea 南方連絡海域
Southwest Sea 西南海域
Central Western Sea 中部西海域
MI Islands MI海域 Midway Islands
AL Islands AL海域 Aleutian Islands
FS Straits FS海域 Fiji & Samoa Islands
Rear Area in the Deep Sea 深海後方海域
Canal Area in the Deep Sea 深海運河海域
Central Area in the Deep Sea 深海中枢海域
Reserve Map 1 予備マップ1
Reserve Map 2 予備マップ2
Reserve Map 3 予備マップ3

##Map Elements/Enemy Fleet

English Japanese Remarks
~ of/in/from the deep sea 深海~ Free to use other words in place of in/of/from - just make sure it makes sense & don't leave "deep sea" alone.
Advance 進撃
Enter Night Battle 夜戦突入 Need proofreading
Give Up Pursuit 追撃せず Need proofreading
Main Force 主力
Manual Node Selection 能動分岐
Remaining Fleet はぐれ艦隊
Retreat 撤退
Task Force 任務部隊


English Japanese Remarks
Ammo 弾薬
Bauxite ボーキサイト
Canned Mackerel 秋刀魚の缶詰 *
Combat Ration 戦闘糧食
Development Material 開発資材 *
Dock Key ドック開放キー
Emergency Repair Goddess 応急修理女神 *
Emergency Repair Personnel 応急修理要員 *
First Class Medal 甲種勲章 *
Fuel 燃料
Furniture Coin 家具コイン
Furniture Fairy 特注家具職人 *
Headquarters Personnel 司令部要員 *
Hishimochi 菱餅
Homeport Expansion 母港拡張 *
Improvement Material 改修資材 *
Instant Construction 高速建造材 *
Instant Repair 高速修復材 *
Mackerel 秋刀魚
Marriage Ring and Papers 書類一式&指輪 *
Medal 勲章
Morale Food "Irako" 給糧艦「伊良湖」 *
Morale Food "Mamiya" 給糧艦「間宮」 *
Present Box プレゼント箱
Prototype Flight Deck Catapult 試製甲板カタパルト *
Reinforcement Expansion 補強増設 *
Remodel Blueprint 改装設計図 *
Skilled Crew Member 熟練搭乗員 *
Steel 鋼材
Underway Replenishment 洋上補給 *
Valentine Chocolate 艦娘からのチョコ *Kanmusu Choco

*Represents requires naming to resolve the 14 character limit

Bibliotheca Anonoma Software Liquidation Commission

Kancolle Vita Translation

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Matching with KC3 is done to make use of their existing multilanguage translations. Some differences have to be mitigated.


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