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Features of the physic engine

psieg edited this page Nov 16, 2013 · 3 revisions

Following an unsorted list of effects the physic engine should be able to produce.

  • 2 objects colliding results in both objects experiencing a direcion and rotation change based on mass, speed and direction of the involved objects and damage to or destruction of the objects
  • when a ship hits another, various effects are possible:
  • some voxels are destroyed at each ship, ships bounce off and continue to operate
  • both ships shatter completely, e.g. when they do a face-to-face crash in high speed
  • one ship shatters
  • I would like to avoid special handling for ships - normal damage at some point should reach the core or something by it self and result in destruction of one ship. Not sure when to bounce...
  • objects that are cut apart are handled as 2 objects.
  • an exploding engine shall result in damage of other voxels on the ship as well as an impact similar to being hit by another object
  • also other important parts e.g. guns, powercore... should have similar explosion effects
  • generally, any explosion should result in a damage-/shockwave
  • explosions of e.g. mines or bug ships have thrusting impact on nearby objects
  • FPS-like controls of the playership, yet when turning there should be a little drift effect
  • Freelancer-like controls preferrably
  • rockets that follow a target, but flying realisticly big curves when turning
  • also when shot down, rockets shall have explosion effects similar to that when hitting ships
  • ships are thrusted away by engine of big ships
  • and of small ships proportionally
  • voxels have HP (and shields) and mass
  • an object that is hit far from its mass-center will primarily rotate, an object hit in center-direction will rotate only a little in result but being "punched" away faster. Either way there should be damage to he object
  • objects that hit other objects very fast shall shatter (e.g. asteroid/small ship against capital ship/big asteroid) (sure? imagine a suicide jet blasting through a freighter like a bullet with lots of voxels coming out at the other end)
  • a bullet hitting an object shall explode and deal damage to that object
  • starting rockets have physical impact on the ship they are starting from
  • Veto, while firing guns should result in an impact on the firing ship (proportional to size and speed of bullet), rockets are usually dropped from the ship and propel themselves. Therefore there should be no force on the ship caused by rockets.