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Luc Berger edited this page Feb 15, 2019 · 18 revisions

The features benchmarked for performance tracking are tested on multiple platforms and instructions to perform standard build and tests are gathered here as they are common to all benchmarks. If a particular kernel needs specific settings to be benchmarked, it will be specified on the kernel benchmark page.

Architecture agnostic steps

You should use the latest version of Kokkos and Kokkos-Kernels to run benchmarks and ideally use the master branch but if you are looking for the very latest updates, you can also attempt the develop branch.

1. Get Kokkos

mkdir $HOME/kokkoskernels_benchmark
cd $HOME/kokkoskernels_benchmark
git clone [email protected]:kokkos/kokkos.git

2. Get KokkosKernels

cd $HOME/kokkoskernels_benchmark
git clone [email protected]:kokkos/kokkos-kernels.git

KNL setup (Bowman)

3. Update the located at example/buildlib.

cd $HOME/kokkoskernels_spgemm_benchmark/kokkos-kernels/example/buildlib

Below is the example of for KNLs.

KOKKOS_PATH=${HOME}/kokkoskernels_spgemm_benchmark/kokkos #path to kokkos source
KOKKOSKERNELS_SCALARS='double' #we only need double
KOKKOSKERNELS_LAYOUTS=LayoutLeft #the layout types to instantiate.
KOKKOSKERNELS_ORDINALS=int #ordinal types to instantiate
KOKKOSKERNELS_OFFSETS=int #offset types to instantiate
KOKKOSKERNELS_PATH=${HOME}/kokkoskernels_spgemm_benchmark/kokkos-kernels #path to kokkos-kernels top directory.
KOKKOSKERNELS_OPTIONS=eti-only #options for kokkoskernels  
CXXFLAGS="-Wall -pedantic -Werror -O3 -g -Wshadow -Wsign-compare -Wignored-qualifiers -Wempty-body -Wclobbered -Wuninitialized"
KOKKOS_DEVICES=OpenMP #we only need openmp execution space.
KOKKOS_ARCHS=KNL        #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!specify the architecture for compilation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KOKKOSKERNELS_TPLS=mkl #if you want to be able to run mkl functionalities as well. otherwise place "".

../../scripts/generate_makefile.bash --kokkoskernels-path=${KOKKOSKERNELS_PATH} --with-scalars=${KOKKOSKERNELS_SCALARS} --with-ordinals=${KOKKOSKERNELS_ORDINALS} --with-offsets=${KOKKOSKERNELS_OFFSETS} --kokkos-path=${KOKKOS_PATH} --with-devices=${KOKKOS_DEVICES} --arch=${KOKKOS_ARCHS} --compiler=${CXX} --with-options=${KOKKOSKERNELS_OPTIONS}  --cxxflags="${CXXFLAGS}" --with-tpls=${KOKKOSKERNELS_TPLS}

Set the compiler. If you use mkl, export the mkl path.

module load intel/compilers/18.0.128
export MKL_PATH=/home/projects/x86-64-knl/intel/beta/pstudio/2018-B1/compilers_and_libraries_2018.0.061/linux/mkl/

4. Compile KokkosKernels.

cd $HOME/kokkoskernels_spgemm_benchmark/kokkos-kernels/example/buildlib
make build-test -j

Skylake setup (Blake)

Power8 setup (White)

P100 setup (White)

V100 (?)

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