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brian-kelley edited this page Jun 23, 2020 · 7 revisions

API Reference

This Section documents the public user interface of KokkosKernels.

  • BLAS-1 type functions operating on vectors and multi-vectors.
  • BLAS-2 type functions involving matrices and vectors or multi-vectors.
  • BLAS-3 type functions involving matrices
  • Calling cuBLAS functions through KokkosKernels interfaces
  • Calling MAGMA functions through KokkosKernels interfaces
  • Block structured BLAS like operations.
  • SPARSE-1 type vector - vector operations.
  • SPARSE-2 type matrix - vector operations.
  • SPARSE-3 type matrix - matrix operations.
  • Functions in this category are extra SPARSE type functions.
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