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brian-kelley edited this page Jun 24, 2020 · 1 revision

KokkosSparse Gauss-Seidel (& Successive Over-Relaxation)

Applies a parallel Gauss-Seidel preconditioner to a linear system Ax = b. This may be used as a preconditioner for CG/GMRES, as a multigrid smoother or as an iterative solver.

Header File: KokkosSparse_gauss_seidel.hpp

Basic Complete Usage:

  &handle, numRows, numCols, A.graph.row_map, A.graph.entries, graphIsSymmetric);
  &handle, numRows, numCols, A.graph.row_map, A.graph.entries, A.values, graphIsSymmetric);
bool firstIter = true;
double relativeResidual = 1.0;
while(relativeResidual > 1e-6)
    &handle, numRows, numCols,
    A.graph.row_map, A.graph.entries, A.values,
    x, b, firstIter, firstIter, 1.0, 1);
  firstIter = false;
  /* recompute relativeResidual */

This is part of a complete working example at kokkos-kernels/example/wiki/sparse/KokkosSparse_wiki_gauss_seidel.cpp.

Handle Setup

Version for point coloring (default) and two stage GS (inner Jacobi-Richardson):

void KokkosKernelsHandle::create_gs_handle(
  KokkosSparse::GSAlgorithm gs_algorithm = KokkosSparse::GS_DEFAULT);

Allowable enum values for gs_algorithm:

  • KokkosSparse::GS_PERMUTED
  • KokkosSparse::GS_TEAM
  • KokkosSparse::GS_TWOSTAGE

For classical (triangular solve) GS:

This variant does a sparse triangular solve on L for forward sweeps, and on R for backward sweeps, rather than implicitly doing forward or backward substitution on rows of A.

handle.set_gs_twostage(false, nrows);

where nrows is the number of rows in the matrix that will be passed to symbolic/numeric/apply.

Version for cluster coloring:

This overload of create_gs_handle() always KokkosSparse::GS_CLUSTER as the algorithm.

void KokkosKernelsHandle::create_gs_handle(
    KokkosSparse::ClusteringAlgorithm clusterAlgo, nnz_lno_t verts_per_cluster);

It is strongly recommended to set clusterAlgo = KokkosSparse::CLUSTER_DEFAULT. verts_per_cluster is the coarsening factor. The recommended range is between 4 and 30.

Handle Cleanup

Do this when Gauss-Seidel apply will not be called again. Frees all memory owned by the Gauss-Seidel handle.

void KokkosKernelsHandle::destroy_gs_handle();

Symbolic setup interface

template <typename KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_, typename lno_nnz_view_t_>
void KokkosSparse::Experimental::gauss_seidel_symbolic(
    KernelHandle *handle,
    typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t num_rows,
    typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t num_cols,
    lno_row_view_t_ row_map,
    lno_nnz_view_t_ entries,
    bool is_graph_symmetric = true);


  • handle: Pointer to a KokkosKernelsHandle
  • num_rows: number of rows in the matrix.
  • num_cols: number of columns in the matrix.
  • row_map: the CRS row offsets, as a Kokkos::View containing size_type.
  • entries: the CRS column indices array, as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_lno_t (ordinal).
  • is_graph_symmetric: true if the graph is known to be symmetric, and false otherwise.


  • handle has had create_gs_handle() called on it.
  • num_cols >= num_rows (this is always true of the local part of a distributed square matrix)
  • row_map.extent(0) == num_rows + 1
  • row_map(num_rows) == entries.extent(0)
  • row_map contains elements of type typename KernelHandle::size_type (OK if const)
  • entries contains elements of type typename KernelHandle::nnz_lno_t (OK if const)

Numeric setup interface

template <typename KernelHandle, typename lno_row_view_t_, typename lno_nnz_view_t_, typename scalar_nnz_view_t_>
void KokkosSparse::Experimental::gauss_seidel_numeric(
    KernelHandle *handle,
    typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t num_rows,
    typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t num_cols,
    lno_row_view_t_ row_map,
    lno_nnz_view_t_ entries,
    scalar_nnz_view_t_ values,
    bool is_graph_symmetric = true);


  • handle: Pointer to a KokkosKernelsHandle
  • num_rows: number of rows in the matrix.
  • num_cols: number of columns in the matrix.
  • row_map: the CRS row offsets, as a Kokkos::View containing size_type.
  • entries: the CRS column indices array, as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_lno_t (ordinal).
  • values: the CRS matrix values, as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_scalar_t.
  • is_graph_symmetric: true if the graph is known to be symmetric, and false otherwise.


  • gauss_seidel_symbolic() has already been called with the same handle, and the matrix dimensions/Views are the same as what was passed into symbolic.
  • row_map, entries, num_rows, num_cols and is_graph_symmetric must all be the same values that were passed into gauss_seidel_symbolic().
  • row_map(num_rows) == values.extent(0)
  • values contains elements of type typename KernelHandle::nnz_scalar_t (OK if const)
  • All other requirements are the same as for gauss_seidel_symbolic

Apply interface (symmetric, forward and backward apply all have the same interface)

template <typename KernelHandle,
          typename lno_row_view_t_,
          typename lno_nnz_view_t_,
          typename scalar_nnz_view_t_,
          typename x_scalar_view_t,
          typename y_scalar_view_t>
void KokkosSparse::Experimental::symmetric_gauss_seidel_apply(
// OR //
void KokkosSparse::Experimental::forward_sweep_gauss_seidel_apply(
// OR //
void KokkosSparse::Experimental::backward_sweep_gauss_seidel_apply(
    KernelHandle *handle,
    typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t num_rows,
    typename KernelHandle::const_nnz_lno_t num_cols,
    lno_row_view_t_ row_map,
    lno_nnz_view_t_ entries,
    scalar_nnz_view_t_ values,
    x_scalar_view_t x_lhs_output_vec,
    y_scalar_view_t y_rhs_input_vec,
    bool init_zero_x_vector,
    bool update_y_vector,
    typename KernelHandle::nnz_scalar_t omega,
    int numIter);


  • handle: Pointer to a KokkosKernelsHandle
  • num_rows: number of rows in the matrix.
  • num_cols: number of columns in the matrix.
  • row_map: the CRS row offsets, as a Kokkos::View containing size_type.
  • entries: the CRS column indices array, as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_lno_t (ordinal).
  • values: the CRS matrix values, as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_scalar_t.
  • x_lhs_output_vec: the x (unknown) vector as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_scalar_t.
  • y_rhs_input_vec: the y (right-hand side) vector as a Kokkos::View containing nnz_scalar_t.
  • init_zero_x_vector: whether to initialize x_lhs_output_vec to 0 as an initial guess. May be used to avoid initializing x at the beginning of a solve.
  • update_y_vector: true if the right-hand side has changed since the last apply, or if this is the first call to apply with this right-hand side. Should be false when possible to avoid unnecessary work.
  • omega: the successive over-relaxation damping factor. 1.0 means standard Gauss-Seidel. The optimal value for convergence may be higher or lower than 1.0.
  • numIter: how many iterations of Gauss-Seidel to perform in this call to apply. For symmetric apply, 1 iteration means a forward followed by a backward sweep. For forward/backward, 1 iteration means one forward/backward sweep.


  • Both gauss_seidel_symbolic and gauss_seidel_numeric have been called previously with this handle. Apply may be called any number of times as long as the matrix does not change.
  • If the matrix's dimensions or sparsity pattern change, the handle may be reused but symbolic and numeric must be called again. One exception is that classical GS requires the creation of a new handle if the number of rows changes.
  • If the matrix's values change, the handle may be reused but numeric must be called again.
  • num_rows == y_rhs_input_vec.extent(0)
  • num_cols == x_lhs_output_vec.extent(0)
  • x_lhs_output_vec.extent(1) == y_rhs_input_vec.extent(1)
  • x and y have the same rank: x_scalar_view_t::rank == y_scalar_view_t::rank
  • x and y can be rank 1 (vector) or rank 2 (multivector)

SAND2020-6474 O

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