This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of Natural Inversion: Data-Free Image Synthesis Improving Real-World Consistency at AAAI-2022.
Code was tested in anaconda virtual environment with Python 3.8.
conda env create -f NI.yaml
This snippet will generate cifar-10 256 iamges by inverting resnet34 model
python \
--dataset $dataset \
--arch $arch \
--bs 256 \
--iters_mi $epoch \
--G_lr 0.001 \
--D_lr 0.0005 \
--A_lr 0.05 \
--var_scale 6.0E-03 \
--l2_scale 1.5E-05 \
--r_feature_weight $bn_scale \
--teacher_weight pretrained/ \
--exp_name "$dataset"_"$arch"_paperparameters \
--global_iter 0
- dataset - dataset that you want to synthesize. cifar10 and cifar100 are abailable
- arch - pre-trained teacher network architecture. resnet34, vgg11, vgg16 are available
- bs - batchsize. we use 256 as a paper parameter
- G_lr - Generator learning rate. We use 0.001 as a paper parameter
- D_lr - Feature Transfer Pyramid learning rate. We use 0.0005 as a paper parameter
- A_lr - Adaptive Channel Scalining parameters learning rate. We use 0.05 as a paper parameter
- var_scale - synthesized images total variance scaling parameter
- l2_scale - synthesized images l2 norm scalining parameter
- teacher_weight - teacher weight directory
- exp_name - experiments name. Synthesized images will be sorted in "./{exp_name}"
- global_iter - This is a batch index of whole dataset.
or just execute the bash file
After 2000 iteration, these images should be generated.