Releases: heremaps/xyz-maps
Releases · heremaps/xyz-maps
0.32.0 (2022-10-14)
- improved: Attempting to create an invalid feature using the drawing board now returns undefined.
- added: Full 3d geometry editing support for Navlink, Address and Place Features has been added.
- fixed: Pointerup now triggers correctly after selecting or dragging an address/place.
- improved: Improved near-plane clipping of features using altitude.
- improved: Pointer events for 2d point styles are now triggered "pixel perfect" in all cases.
- added: Support to integrate custom renderers into the map by using CustomLayer has been added.
- added: The map can now be pitched up to 85 degrees. see maxPitch.
- fixed: Text placed on line geometry without collision detection was not displayed correctly
0.31.0 (2022-8-23)
- added: The ImageProvider can now be configured to display an errorImage for failing tile requests.
- added: Introduced remote preprocessor to enable custom data processing for remote image sources.
- added: The credentials of IMLProvider and SpaceProvider can now be updated at any time via provider.config({credentials: {...}})
- improved: The snapTolerance option is now taken into account for crossing detection.
- fixed: Navlinks may still have been highlighted even though the intersection was no longer selected.
- fixed: Altitude precision is reduced when restoring Navlink Features through a local undo operation.
- improved: Handling of missing image tile data has been improved.
- added: The camera (position) of the current view can now be retrieved using map.getCamera()
- fixed: Visualizing point styles on 3D polylines fails when used in combination with collision detection.
- fixed: 2D roads disappear when the map is pitch or rotated
- fixed: Text placed on a polyline might be upside down
0.30.0 (2022-8-5)
- added: Box and Sphere styles now support Style.offsetX / Style.offsetY.
- added: All Point styles can now be offset along the z-axis. See: offset.
- added: It is now possible to specify the offset in pixels as well as meters for all point styles.
- added: Style of type "Image" can now be offset in meters
- fixed: Styled line segments of ring geometries were not rendered correctly.
- fixed: Pointerevents are now triggered correctly in all cases for 3d Point styles
- added: The height of buildings can now be changed by the user using mouse or touch gestures
- added: Support for custom set feature styles has been added and is respected when features require re-rendered due to editing operations.
- added: The RangeSelector is now more flexible and also be used with generic LineString geometry.
- fixed: In rare cases, stuttering could occur when dragging a RangeMarker.
- fixed: The Range Overlapping detection now also works with specific sides.
- fixed: Using the RangeSelector with circular topology has been improved.
- fixed: The local edit history was possibly not correct when dragging a ShapePoint from two connected Areas.
- fixed: dragging RangeMarkers when the map is rotated or pitched is now possible.
- fixed: Pointer-events for Point styles that use viewport alignment may not be triggered.
- added: The ImageProvider supports images contained in a 404 status response.
0.29.0 (2022-7-13)
- added: Point Styles used with line geometry now supports line segments to allow for custom placement and styling. See: Style.from /
- fixed: The size of Spheres and Boxes is now displayed correctly in intermediate zoom levels.
- fixed: Pointer-events for styles of type "Sphere" and "Box" were not triggered correctly.
- added: The transformer utility has been updated and now provides proportional scaling, custom styling and improved rotation handling.
- added: EditorOptions can now be read and changed at runtime. See: editor.config
- added: The precision of the positioning of routing points can now be configured via "routingPointPrecision" option.
- added: The degree of simplification for drawn geometry can now be controlled via the "tolerance" option.
- fixed: The reference point on the ground is now displayed correctly.
- fixed: Improved handling of Marker features whose altitude is explicitly overridden by styles
0.28.0 (2022-7-1)
- added: Tapping on LineShape or Marker features will trigger pointerdown events.
- added: The drag behavior of Markers and LineShape features can now be configured to define the "dragAxis" or "dragPlane" on which to drag the feature.
- added: It is now possible to use custom IDs for newly created features by using option.forceRandomFeatureId.
- added: The altitude of Marker Features can now be modified by user interaction.
- added: Basic editing of 3d line geometry is now possible.
- fixed: Dragging Features with the right mouse button may result in tiny map movements.
- fixed: anchor "Centroid" is now correctly declared in typescript declarations
- improved: Optimized point placement for tiny polygon geometries when using style.anchor="Centroid"
- added: Box Styles can be rotated around the z-axis.
- added: The minimum threshold for detecting a pan or pitch map gesture can now be configured.
- added: The altitude of point and line geometry can now be displayed in 3D space using styles of type Circle, Rectangle, Image, Text and Line. See: Style.altitude.
- added: Pointerevent triggering now supports 3d geometry and styles.
- added: New 3d styles of type "Sphere" and "Box" have been added.
- fixed: The pointer-event target is now set correctly in all cases.
- fixed: When using zLayer, an incorrect drawing order could occur in rare cases.
- fixed: The placement of icon using different "alignments" is now correct in all cases.
0.27.0 (2021-12-15)
- added: Editing of Line Features with "MultiLineString" geometry is now supported.
- improved: Line-joins of offset polylines now support more acute angles.
- added: offset Lines with ring geometries are now displayed as closed.
- added: Styles of type "Circle", "Rect", "Text" and "Image" can now be placed at the centroid/geometric center of polygon geometry. Usage: Style.anchor="Centroid"
- added: The triggering of PointerEvents now takes into account the Style.offset and empty space between multiple offset lines
- fixed: In rare cases, lines close to tile-edges can become fragmented.
- fixed: PointerEvents for Lines with strokeWidth defined in meter were not triggered correctly if the map is zoomed in very close (z20+).
- fixed: Curves were displayed incorrectly in rare cases.
- improved: several typescript declaration related fixes and improvements.
- fixed: possible dependency resolution issues when using webpack/rollup
0.26.0 (2021-10-7)
- added: Snap coordinates to Navlink geometry nearby can now be controlled by using navlink.behavior(...)
- fixed: ShapePoints of selected Lines and Navlinks where invisible when the strokeWidth was defined in meters.
- fixed: AreaShapes can only be moved with difficulty if the associated Area feature is only displayed as a line
- improved: display.snapshot() is now more robust for invalid input dimensions on iOS devices.
- added: pointer-events are triggered based on the "outline" of Polygon geometry when displayed with a line style only
- fixed: Mouse-events are not propagated through the DOM on touch devices when the user taps the map.
- fixed: A time-sensitive issue in connection with icon resource loading and collision detection has been solved.
- fixed: PointerEvents for Lines were not triggered correctly if the strokeWidth was defined in meters.
- fixed: Not all elements of a "CollisionGroup" were hidden when the map was pitched or rotated.
- fixed: The result of display.getFeaturesAt only included features that intersect with the center of the search rectangle
- fixed: Automatic downscaling of oversized (non SVG) image sources
0.25.0 (2021-9-7)
- added: Introduced a new hook "Coordinates.update" that's being executed whenever the coordinates of a feature are updated, modified or removed. see CoordinatesUpdateHook
- fixed: hiding the RangeSelector might fail while submit operation is in progress.
- fixed: Missing history entry when calling lineShape.remove()
- improved: The collision detection is now quantizing bounding-boxes for better space utilisation of rotated/elongated objects.
- improved: Optimized performance of collision detection.
- improved: transparent extruded polygons(Buildings) with height of 0 are hidden when they are covered by other transparent Buildings within the same zIndex.
- added: Take a screenshot of the current viewport of the map (or part of it) by using map.snapshot
- added: The outer edges of extruded polygons (Buildings) can now be highlighted and styled individually. See Style.stroke, Style.strokeWidth
- added: The base of an extruded Polygon (Building) can now be offset from the ground. See Style.extrudeBase
- fixed: labels might be placed incorrectly when using multiple text styles for the same geometry.
- fixed: Points that are exactly on the tile boundary may have been placed incorrectly
- fixed: Inaccurate collision detection of objects with offset from different TileLayers with mixed tile-sizes.
- fixed: Incorrect collision detection of collision-groups that used offset and rotation when the map is pitched/rotated.
- fixed: Buildings might not be displayed when alpha is used and the height is explicitly set to 0.
- improved: Added missing documentation and typescript declarations for Attribute Readers/Writers and editing Hooks.
0.24.0 (2021-7-23)
- added: The RangeSelector now supports to snap Ranges automatically. see Range.snap, Range.snapTolerance
- added: The overlapping of Ranges can now be allowed or prevented. see Range.allowOverlap
- added: As soon as you drag a NavlinkShape or AreaShape, it is now automatically snapped to nearby geometries.
- fixed: Navlink features were erroneously marked as modified in very rare cases.
- fixed: Undoing changes of Address features triggered the execution of the "writeEditState hook", which could lead to an incorrect restore
- improved: Support for image sources larger than 64 pixels through automatic downscaling
- improved: the view bounds of the map can now be set using a bow animation. usage: display.setViewbounds( bounds, animate?: boolean|options )
- added: the map center/zoomlevel can now be set using a bow animation combining pan and zoom operations. usage: map.flyTo(center, zoomlevel?, options?)
- fixed: very long text placed on line geometry may have been misaligned
- fixed: TileLayers with semi-transparent image tile data were covering underlying layers.
- fixed: Circles and Rectangles were not displayed when the alignment was set to "map"
- added: the remote URL of an MVTLayer can now also be defined as a function with which the URL can be configured on a tile basis
0.23.0 (2021-6-22)
- added: Snap coordinates to polygon geometry nearby can now be controlled by using area.behavior('snapCoordinates', boolean)
- added: The DrawingBoard now provides getters and setters to retrieve and modify the geometry of the currently drawn feature.
- fixed: Holes of connected polygons are included in the geometry validation.
- improved: Rotation precision of text based on line geometry.
- added: Control the space check for point styles on line geometries by using style.checkLineSpace=boolean.
- added: Improved visuals for extruded polygons / buildings that are using alpha.
- added: Images are rotated based on line geometry when the anchor is set to "Line" and alignment is set to "map".
- fixed: pointer-events were missing for lines with a strokeWidth below 1 pixel.
- fixed: Polygon holes were ignored for pointer-event triggering.
- fixed: the lighting of certain polygons with extrusion was not correct in some cases.
- fixed: Possible rendering artifacts on the outer edges of buildings.
- fixed: polylines were not displayed on some android mobile devices.
- fixed: Point-styles using offsetX/offsetY can collide when the map is zoomed.
- fixed: Possible collision of Point-styles that are offset and anchored on line geometry when the map is pitched.
- fixed: Offset Images anchored on the line geometry were placed incorrectly.
- fixed: The rotation was possibly missing for CollisionGroups with text style and anchor set to "Line".
- fixed: The code editor might jump to another line while editing an example.