0.31.0 (2022-8-23)
added: The ImageProvider can now be configured to display an errorImage for failing tile requests.
added: Introduced remote preprocessor to enable custom data processing for remote image sources.
added: The credentials of IMLProvider and SpaceProvider can now be updated at any time via provider.config({credentials: {...}})
improved: The snapTolerance option is now taken into account for crossing detection.
fixed: Navlinks may still have been highlighted even though the intersection was no longer selected.
fixed: Altitude precision is reduced when restoring Navlink Features through a local undo operation.
improved: Handling of missing image tile data has been improved.
added: The camera (position) of the current view can now be retrieved using map.getCamera()
fixed: Visualizing point styles on 3D polylines fails when used in combination with collision detection.
fixed: 2D roads disappear when the map is pitch or rotated
fixed: Text placed on a polyline might be upside down
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