0.30.0 (2022-8-5)
added: Box and Sphere styles now support Style.offsetX / Style.offsetY .
added: All Point styles can now be offset along the z-axis. See: offset .
added: It is now possible to specify the offset in pixels as well as meters for all point styles.
added: Style of type "Image" can now be offset in meters
fixed: Styled line segments of ring geometries were not rendered correctly.
fixed: Pointerevents are now triggered correctly in all cases for 3d Point styles
added: The height of buildings can now be changed by the user using mouse or touch gestures
added: Support for custom set feature styles has been added and is respected when features require re-rendered due to editing operations.
added: The RangeSelector is now more flexible and also be used with generic LineString geometry.
fixed: In rare cases, stuttering could occur when dragging a RangeMarker.
fixed: The Range Overlapping detection now also works with specific sides.
fixed: Using the RangeSelector with circular topology has been improved.
fixed: The local edit history was possibly not correct when dragging a ShapePoint from two connected Areas.
fixed: dragging RangeMarkers when the map is rotated or pitched is now possible.
fixed: Pointer-events for Point styles that use viewport alignment may not be triggered.
added: The ImageProvider supports images contained in a 404 status response.
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