Releases: emersonrp/bindcontrol
BindControl v0.24.1
Major rework of Profile creation and loading to try to reduce overhead
This release is an internal reorganization of the code that creates Profile objects, both via "New Profile" and via loading Profiles from file, either explicitly or at startup. Because of streamlining and process gains from this, the app starts up over a half second faster on Windows now. Hopefully more work on these lines can be done.
This release also includes Rebirth support in the Popmenu Editor, via understanding Rebirth installations when setting the GameDir. There is still some work to be done here, as BindControl still has only one notion of a GameDir, meaning the Popmenu Editor doesn't honor the Profile's notion of which Server it's using. This is on the list to fix.
BindControl v0.24
Beta-quality support for Rebirth. Read on:
This release adds support for Rebirth to BindControl.
Specifically, updated functionality includes:
- Correct and updated Archetype / powerset data, including Guardian
- Changes / additions to Power Pools
- Support for the "Genesis" Incarnate Slot
- Updated emotes and other smaller changes
Most of the data changes were gleaned from long hours squinting at Mids Reborn, as well as perusing the Update Notes on the Rebirth wiki.
Known TODOs:
- Teleport powers currently use the Homecoming-specific /powexec_location slash command. The Movement Powers page in general has a lot of Homecoming-think that needs revisiting.
- Rebirth's abbreviated slash commands are not supported yet, making binds longer than they need to be.
- The Popmenu Editor only works with Homecoming installations.
These are all very high on the list. Rebirth players are asked to try it out and let me know where all I got it wrong. I'm just getting started on Rebirth so I don't have high level toons to test with etc, so bear with me as we iron out the wrinkles.
It's certain that some things were missed and/or are just wrong.
Find a bug? Feedback on how I could make it better? File an issue!
This is a big change. There will be bugs. Some of them may even crash the program. Let's make it better.
Oh, before you ask -- new profiles default to Homecoming. If you want to make it default to Rebirth instead, make a new Profile, switch it to Rebirth, then "Save as Default Profile" and voila.
BindControl v0.23.3
Reorganization of Movement / Speed on Demand tab code.
Apart from a few tiny display and language twiddles, the MovementPowers tab should act just like the previous release, except that it should be much much less laggy and jumpy when changing any controls that change the state of it, ie, that enable or disable or hide or show other controls.
This is mostly an internal code organization release, but it enables further upcoming work on the Movement Powers tab to be easier and safer.
BindControl v0.23.2
Movement Powers tab updates / additions:
- Reorganize the layout of the various boxes -- the right column is now (approximately) all Speed-on-Demand related things, including the various travel powers' boxes.
- Allow auto-mouselook even if Speed on Demand is not enabled. This was a bit more of an involved change than anticipated, and might be the source of weird bugs for basically anyone using this tab.
- Add "Turn to match camera" notion, to match the behavior of the "Modern" Keybind Profile in-game. This wants some more UI and explanation, but is harmless in any case.
- Various tooltip and label updates to be marginally less cryptic.
- Update the Write-Binds-Done dialog to remove the notion of just hitting the Reset Key to reload the binds -- that's actually always been a little broken with respect to Speed on Demand, and with the changes for AutoMouselook, that behavior is more likely.
- Various other small general bugfixes are rolled up into this release
There might be bugs. If you are using the Movement tab at all, let me know if you run into anything weird.
Note that if you're used to using CTRL+R to reload a newly-written set of keybinds, that is now discouraged in favor of actually pasting in the /bindloadfile text every time you make a new set of binds. CTRL+R still works in-game to reset binds, it just won't always pick up new ones.
BindControl v0.23.1
Build / release change: icons stored in ZIP archive.
Starting with this release, assuming it works as expected, BindControl will ship its ~2000 icon files in a ZIP archive instead of as individual PNG files. The main upshot of this is that unzipping the binary distribution will take dramatically less time since it doesn't have to create and populate all those tiny files. There is a slight performance hit whenever BindControl first uses a given icon file, like when creating the power picker inside PowerBinder, but this is on the order of tens of milliseconds on a reasonably fast machine. If it proves to be a problem, we'll go back to the old way.
Those running BindControl from source, via 'git clone' or downloading a source code ZIP or tarball will still have all of the loose files to contend with, though clones of the git repo will not need to re-download them over and over like source ZIP/tarball users do.
BindControl v0.23.0.1
Rollup build with many PowerBinder features:
Because of build weirdnesses, versions between v0.22.3 and this version were all removed from the "Releases" section, as they weren't working on Windows. This is a rollup release of everything added since v0.22.3.
- PowerBinder steps are now separate "plugin" files. This makes adding steps and maintaining existing ones much easier for me. This was the change that was causing hassle with the packaging/build system.
- Window Toggle step now supports Toggle, On, and Off
- Complex Binds have new "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons for their steps.
- PowerBinder now warns/highlights if the bind string > 255 characters
- PowerBinder now warns/highlights if the PowerBinder configuration doesn't match what's in the saved bindstring - ie, if the bindstring had been edited manually. This is an iterative step towards disallowing editing bindstrings manually.
- PowerBinder dialog will now correctly revert to its original state if the user hits "Cancel"
- Manually editing bindstrings will now correctly flag the Profile as modified and needing saving.
- Various visual and QoL minifixes to Custom Binds workflow.
BindControl v0.23
Rollup build with many PowerBinder features:
Because of build weirdnesses, versions between v0.22.3 and this version were all removed from the "Releases" section, as they weren't working on Windows. This is a rollup release of everything added since v0.22.3.
- PowerBinder steps are now separate "plugin" files. This makes adding steps and maintaining existing ones much easier for me. This was the change that was causing hassle with the packaging/build system.
- Window Toggle step now supports Toggle, On, and Off
- Complex Binds have new "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons for their steps.
- PowerBinder now warns/highlights if the bind string > 255 characters
- PowerBinder now warns/highlights if the PowerBinder configuration doesn't match what's in the saved bindstring - ie, if the bindstring had been edited manually. This is an iterative step towards disallowing editing bindstrings manually.
- PowerBinder dialog will now correctly revert to its original state if the user hits "Cancel"
- Manually editing bindstrings will now correctly flag the Profile as modified and needing saving.
- Various visual and QoL minifixes to Custom Binds workflow.
BindControl v0.22.3
Rework "Add Step" picker in PowerBinder to be a nested menu.
This also fixes a couple of longstanding functionality buglets.
BindControl v0.22.2
A few PowerBinder tweaks and twiddles:
- Fix Costume Change step to have ten slots, and more importantly to use the correct slot in the slash command
- Center PowerBinder edit dialog contents
- Supergroup PowerBinder step now supports toggle, on, and off
- PowerBinder Window Color step now correctly updates the color in real-time on Windows
BindControl v0.22.1.2
Add web-search icons to most fields in LockedOption edit dialog