BindControl v0.23.2
Movement Powers tab updates / additions:
- Reorganize the layout of the various boxes -- the right column is now (approximately) all Speed-on-Demand related things, including the various travel powers' boxes.
- Allow auto-mouselook even if Speed on Demand is not enabled. This was a bit more of an involved change than anticipated, and might be the source of weird bugs for basically anyone using this tab.
- Add "Turn to match camera" notion, to match the behavior of the "Modern" Keybind Profile in-game. This wants some more UI and explanation, but is harmless in any case.
- Various tooltip and label updates to be marginally less cryptic.
- Update the Write-Binds-Done dialog to remove the notion of just hitting the Reset Key to reload the binds -- that's actually always been a little broken with respect to Speed on Demand, and with the changes for AutoMouselook, that behavior is more likely.
- Various other small general bugfixes are rolled up into this release
There might be bugs. If you are using the Movement tab at all, let me know if you run into anything weird.
Note that if you're used to using CTRL+R to reload a newly-written set of keybinds, that is now discouraged in favor of actually pasting in the /bindloadfile text every time you make a new set of binds. CTRL+R still works in-game to reset binds, it just won't always pick up new ones.