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Robert Herbig edited this page Apr 21, 2016 · 14 revisions

Buff spells to use while hunting.

Supported options:

  • abbrev: The spell abbreviation, or spell name if it does not have an abbreviation
  • recast: The time remaining on a buff before recasting it; -1 means to let it fade
  • mana: The amount to harness (via attunement)
  • cambrinth: An array of charge amounts; [5, 5] would charge your cambrinth by 5 mana twice
  • cyclic: Whether or not the spell is a cyclic (use -1 for recast)
  • expire: The message which will trigger recasting the buff (use -1 for recast)
  • cast: The cast message to use when a spell is fully prepared

Basic example

This would prep Instinct (INST) with 10 mana harnessed, charge your cambrinth with 5 mana, and then charge your cambrinth a second time with 5 mana. The buff would only be recast when the spell has 1 minute left:

  abbrev: INST
  recast: 1
  mana: 10
  - 5
  - 5

Recast when an expiration message is seen

This would prep Ethereal Fissure (ETF) with 20 mana harnessed, charge your cambrinth with 10 mana, and then charge your cambrinth a second time with 5 mana. The buff would only recast when fissure collapses in on itself, winking out of existence is seen:

Ethereal Fissure:
  abbrev: ETF
  recast: -1
  mana: 20
  - 10
  - 5
  expire: fissure collapses in on itself, winking out of existence
  cast: cast fire
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