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Jonas Andersson edited this page Apr 19, 2018 · 23 revisions

Waggle sets are a set of spell data sets in your YAML settings file. Many scripts refer to this data to know which spells to cast. You can individually cast a waggle set by using the ;buff script followed by the set name, e.g. ;buff astrology to cast the astrology waggle set.

Creating your first set

Start by adding the following to your settings file:


We've created two empty sets here, nested inside of waggle_sets, one called 'default' and another called 'prehunt_buffs'. This isn't going to do much until you start adding spells to it, so lets add a spell...

    Manifest Force:
      mana: 10
      - 10

Lets test it out in-game. Release the spell if its active (release maf in the above case) and run the ;buff script with no arguments. This should cast the Manifest Force spell. The default waggle set is used whenever the ;buff script is ran without arguments. When you want to cast another set with ;buff, include the set name. ;buff prehunt_buffs would cast the prehunt_buffs set.

Add the data for Manifest Force to the prehunt_buffs set now and try it out.

prehunt_buffs is an example of a set used by another script. ;hunting-buddy casts the spells in prehunt_buffs before it takes you hunting.

You can make up your own set names to use with ;buff. For example:

    Manifest Force:
      mana: 10
      - 10
    Lay Ward:
      mana: 10
      - 10
      - 10
    Manifest Force:
      mana: 10
      - 10
    Clear Vision:
      mana: 20   

Now you can run ;buff perception to cast any spells listed in the perception set.

Waggle sets used by other scripts

Set Name Used by Scripts Description
astrology astrology List of buffs to casting before and during astrology training
attunement attunement Buffs to cast before power-walking
default buff Default waggle set used by ;buff with no arguments
prehunt_buffs hunting-buddy Buffs to cast before hunting
sew sew Buffs to cast before outfitting
smith smith Buffs to cast before forging
zombie combat-trainer Spells related to necromancer arisen zombies. Not meant to be called via ;buff

Spell settings

The following spell settings can be used. If a value is left out of your spell data, then it is filled in with the default value. For example, you can leave out the abbrev setting and let it be filled in by the script.

Setting Description Default Value
mana Mana amount used in preparing the spell Minimum Prep
cambrinth A list of mana amounts to charge cambrinth with None
abbrev Spell abbreviation Spell abbreviation
skill Magic skill used by spell (e.g. Warding) Magic Skill
recast Minutes left on spell timer before spell is recast Varies by spell, usually 1
prepare Command used to prepare the spell (e.g. prepare) Varies by spell
cast What to cast the spell at (e.g. cast katamba) cast
prep_time Number of seconds to wait before casting. A value of 1 will snap cast None
cyclic set to true if the spell is cyclic true if the spell is cyclic
use_auto_mana Determines mana and cambrinth options via the discern command. false
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