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Jonas Andersson edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 23 revisions


Training trading is slow-going but there are a number of different techniques at your disposal through dr-scripts. Among them are:

  1. Workorders
  2. Selling Gem Pouches
  3. Running Caravan Routes


Workorder training is done through the workorders script. Trading experience is affected by the number of items delivered in the workorder.

Selling Pouches

This is by far the quickest and easiest way to train trading, limited only by the number of pouches you have available to sell.

Caravan Trading


Since Traders use lunar magic, they have most of the moon mage script functionality at their disposal.

Managing Starlight Aura

Running a Trader Shop

Running a trader shop has limited support through dr-scripts, however the restocking of wares can be done through restock-shop

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