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Derek Hoffmann edited this page Jan 4, 2023 · 21 revisions

DISCLAIMER: This is an advanced feature meant for people that have experience with not only DragonRealms but also Lich and the dr-scripts suite. You can really mess up your character if you do not know what you are doing! With great flexibility comes additional complexity. You have been warned.

What is T2?

T2 is the more advanced (see DISCLAIMER above), alternative training script to Training Manager (training-manager). T2 was originally used by two people for years, and eventually released to the public upon request. It's designed to give the user more freedom and control than training-manager; with it you can essentially control every single action of your character.

At the core, T2 is a list of skills that train in order from top to bottom based on skill mindstate for said skill(s). Each entry in this list can be one skill, or can be a group of skills. If the skill (or any of the skills for a list) is under OR EQUAL TO the configured mindstate, it will execute a list of configured scripts. When paired with scripts that execute a single experience-generating action or a timed set of actions, this system can be very modular and granular for the individual who has a solid grasp of DragonRealms as well as Lich and the dr-scripts suite.

T2 does NOT remember it's place and only check the next skill(s) after the section it was in just finished it's scripts. T2 starts from the top of the training list after finishing every script in the scripts entry it was on.


training_list (mandatory)

The anatomy of T2 configuration is mainly completed with the tag 'training_list'. This tag contains every skill or skill group and their settings within.

Each skill is listed underneath the 'training_list' tag in a sequence, along with mandatory options 'start' and 'script'. Each skill is handled in order from top to bottom. Meaning, the things you want to train first, your highest priority, should be at the top. The last things will be executed only if the prior skills in the list are at or above the mindstate configured with "start".

skill (mandatory)

The skill tag is the first tag in the mapping for the sequence of skills listed. This should be set to the appropriate full skill name (Athletics, Targeted Magic, etc).

Skill can be a single skill name or a sequence of them, creating a skill "group".

start (mandatory)

The mindstate number for the skill or skill group at which you wish to start the next skill or skill group in the list. If your mindstate is equal to or greater than this value, the scripts will not be called, and T2 will move on to the next skill in the list.

If a skill group, and any skill is below this threshold, this group will execute the given scripts.

scripts (mandatory)

The scripts that you wish to run to train the skill or skill group. This is a sequence of scripts. Arguments can be passed to each script.

You need to know what scripts you are calling, and what they do. T2 will not guess what you wish to do, it will do what you tell it to do.

For example, if a script you are calling needs you to move to a certain place first and remove certain armor, you need to handle that yourself. If the script you are calling handles it, and you are configured for that to work, you are probably okay. If this understanding of the dr-scripts script library is currently beyond you, so too is T2, and you will need to stick with other training managers for now.

name (optional)

This single string can be set to a name besides the skill's full name for output / log purposes if you wish.

moons (optional)

This boolean can be set to indicate the skill or skill group should not be trained if there are no moons out.

Technically, this can be set to anything, and the current version (20220912) of T2 will act appropriately, but it should be set to true.

t2_avoids (do not use)

This can be set to a sequence of avoid types (such as crime, drag, hold, etc) to be turned on prior to t2 starting.

By turned on, we mean: avoid !

This is specified once outside of training_list.

exp_timers (optional)

This tag may contain any number of tags. These tags or keys should be named according to a full skill name, and have a value equal to the number of seconds of "cooldown" you wish to implement for a given skill.

This only works with single skill sections, not skill groups!

The exp_timers setting is specified outside of training_list, and also used in (only) crossing-training and t2, as of 20220912. This could change in the future.

Quick Reference

Tag Name Type Purpose
training_list header The header tag for most T2 settings.
skill single or array The single skill or sequence of skills (skill group).
start single The threshold for kicking off scripts for this skill / skill group; mindstate must be lower than this for this to run.
scripts array The sequence of scripts with arguments if any to run in order if the skill(s) is/are of appropriate mindstate to run.
name single Set to alternate skill name for output / logs.
moons single Set to true if you wish the skill or skill group to not execute if no moons are out.
t2_avoids sequence Set of avoid types to turn on prior to starting T2.
exp_timers map Set of timer values related to skills, with the full skill name being the key.

Everything needs to be accounted for!

  • Did hunting-buddy just finish!? If you didn't add a go2 to your list, and now you are locksmithing, you are likely sitting in your hunting room...
  • Did you just sell all your loot and now you wanted to practice your magic, but you didn't go2 a new room? You're sitting in the bank window constantly trying to spam spells endlessly, because you didn't tell T2 to do anything but start running a magic script!
  • Did you remember to go2 a room to practice your magic, and that room is in a town / justice zone while you are practicing sorcery? Now you're a heretic necromancer with SO! Good job! This is your fault, not T2's.

This script does not hold your hand! It is truly a manager only, with added flexibility. You CAN royally mess up everything about your character with it, if you do not know what you are doing! Use at your own risk! You have been warned.


Basic Single Skill Entry

I want to train Theurgy when it is below 12/34, and then Locksmithing when it is below 12/34. I need to be in a certain room to practice Theurgy, and when done, I want to go to a different room. I want to be in a certain room to practice Locksmithing / open my boxes, and when done, I want to make sure I'm in a certain room.

PRO TIP: Always go2 a known room after a script finishes. Do not trust the other script to do it for you, or you to remember if it might go to other rooms during script execution. Unless you wrote it and are 100% sure, use caution.

  - skill: Theurgy        # Train Theurgy first.
    start: 12             # If it is less than 12/34.
      - go2 792             # If so, first go to room number 792.
      - theurgy             # Then, run the theurgy script until it exits.
      - go2 851             # Finally, go to room number 851.

  - skill: Locksmithing   # Train Locksmithing after Theurgy finishes running all its scripts.
    start: 12             # If it is less than 12/34.
      - go2 984             # If so, first go to room number 984.
      - locksmithing        # Then, run the locksmthing script until it exits.
      - go2 792             # Finally, go to room number 792.

Skill Groups and Script Arguments

  - skill:
    - Small Edged         # Train Small Edged and Targeted Magic together!
    - Targeted Magic
  start: 12             # If Small Edged _OR_ Targeted Magic are below 12/34, run the scripts below!
    - go2 851             # First, go to room number 851.
    - buff prebuff        # Then, buff yourself. Execute the buff script using the waggle_set "prebuff" as an argument.
    - hunting-buddy main  # Next, hunt with the "main" yaml hunt for this character. (YourName-main.yaml) It'll move me there.
    - sell-loot           # After that script exits, run the sell-loot script. It'll take me where I need to go.
    - safe-room           # Now, run the safe-room script.
    - go2 792             # And finally, go to room number 792.

Mind Lock

  - skill: Forging        # I want to train Forging!
    start: 34             # If Forging is < 34, run this!
      - go2 792             # Go to room number 792.
      - workorders forging  # Run the workorders script, training "forging".
      - sell-loot           # Run the sell-loot script.
      - go2 984             # Go to room number 984.

Catch-All - Important

At the end of your list of skills and skill groups you will want a catch-all.

What do you want to do when all your skills in your list are mind locked?

  - skill: Forging        # I want to train Forging!
    start: 34             # If Forging is < 34, run this!
      - go2 792             # Go to room number 792.
      - workorders forging  # Run the workorders script, training "forging".
      - sell-loot           # Run the sell-loot script.
      - go2 984             # Go to room number 984.
  - skill: Forging        # T2 has locked all the things! No endless loop for me!
    start: 35             # If Forging is < 35, run this! So... run it!
      - checkfavors
      - weararmor
      - crossing-repair shard
      - safe-room
      - wait 300

Using name

In this case, output and logs will show the 'name' value instead of the skill full name.

  - skill: Stealth
    name: Sneaky Sneaky
    start: 34
      - go2 XXX
      - myCustomStealthScript myArgument
      - go2 YYY
  - skill:
    - Augmentation
    - Warding
    - Utility
    - Arcana
    - Attunement
    name: Bippity Boppity Boo
    start: 34
      - safe-room
      - myMagicScript

Using moons

  - skill: Astrology
    moons: true
    start: 18
      - go2 XXX
      - astrology
      - go2 YYY

Using t2_avoids

  - crime
  - drag
  - hold
  - join

  - skill:
    - Small Edged
    - Targeted Magic
    - Chain Armor
    - Parry Ability
  start: 20
    - go2 851
    - buff prebuff
    - hunting-buddy main
    - sell-loot
    - safe-room
    - go2 792

Using exp_timers

Exp Timers ONLY apply to sections with a single skill entry in them. If you have a list of skills, even a list of 1 skill, it will not apply. In the below example, the timer will be properly checked for First Aid, and t2 will not train First Aid for 11 minutes regardless of mindstate once it reaches that section, but will continue to train forging again, if it's mind state is below the listed start value.

  First Aid: 660
  Forging: 600

  - skill: First Aid
  start: 18
    - go2 851
    - buff prebuff
    - hunting-buddy fa_skin
    - sell-loot
    - safe-room
  - skill: 
    - Forging        # I want to train Forging!
    start: 18             # If Forging is < 34, run this!
      - go2 792             # Go to room number 792.
      - workorders forging  # Run the workorders script, training "forging".
      - sell-loot           # Run the sell-loot script.
      - go2 984             # Go to room number 984.

As you can see, you need a working understanding of all the scripts, what they do when they start, run, and complete, and how to control what your character needs.

Example YAMLs

Most classes can train the same basic way, and there are many styles to choose from. Simple single loop YAMLs like Chuno and Shagium, or more complex ones like Leustyin and Sseng.

Barbarian: Chuno, Mozof
Thief: Moza, Shagium, Foedari
Warrior Mage: Leustyin, Zamecki, Qetu
Moon Mage: Jardani
Empath: Rizzoli, Ssarek
Paladin: Vuulag, Valkiss
Ranger: Paven
Bards: Erendel
Necromancer: Raistan
Trader: Azad

T2 Deep Dive:

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