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Jay Ryan edited this page Mar 7, 2021 · 9 revisions


Get some general knowledge of Sorcery here. This small guide will not detail what sorcery is but rather how to train it efficiently.

Warning: Do not train Sorcery within town, you will be labeled a necromancer and gain Social Outrage!

Training sorcery is pretty straight forward. Within dr-scripts you can train sorcery a number of ways; whether with spells or runestones, or during crossing-training or combat, here's some basic info.


Sorcery spells will train Sorcery as well as their base skill, as long as they aren't too far apart. Sorcery TM will train Sorcery and TM, sorcery augmentation will train sorcery & augmentation, etc.


Using runestones trains up to 50-70 (script supports up to 50) ranks. From there you need to get a spell.

Spell Scrolls

Mana Types
Mana Type Friendly Mana
Life Elemental
Elemental Life
Holy Lunar
Lunar Holy
Arcane All but Holy
Feat Required? Purpose
Magic Theorist Yes Allows a magician to learn spell scrolls from other realms.
Sorcerous Patterns No (Yes if training in combat!) Reduces the chance of violently backfiring spells, as well as the severity when it occurs.
Improved Memory No Allows the memorization of a second scroll spell. How about two sorcery spells!?

Sorcery Script

Crossing Training

If a sorcery spell is listed, it will train with it, otherwise it will train with a runestone up to 50 ranks by focusing it 5 times each iteration.

- Sorcery

# Goes to this room, do not practice in town!
crossing_training_sorcery_room: roomnumber
# Spell to use. Listed like other spells.
  abbrev: Bless
  mana: 15
  symbiosis: false
  - 15
  - 15
  - 15


- skill: Sorcery
  start: 12
  - go2 saferoom
  - sorcery

Combat Training

RISK: Can blow off hands during combat, dropping weapon, setting up the ability to get hit or making the scripts infinite loop. Most people use this method, even with the risks. The scripts should handle the spells appropriately by sheathing and wielding the weapon if the spell is labeled Sorcery.

Offensive Spells

BENEFIT: This is very beneficial for some guilds which lack good AOE TM spells, i.e., Empath with Fire Shard or Fire Ball. Some direct benefits training with offensive magics are lowered prep/target time and lower mana cost for continued training. The mana caps lower on these skills, for the most part, and they can last longer with lower mana before requiring moving up a difficulty level or using symbiosis.
DOWNSIDE: Can't Symbiosis later on, lower mind state cap per cast, and higher risk of backlash (get the Sorcerous Pattern feat ASAP)!

- skill: Sorcery # Label the spell as sorcery, overriding the skill label defined in the base file!
  name: Fire Ball
  mana: 15
  - 10

Combat Spell Training

BENEFIT: Can use symbiosis effectively training to cap with an intro spell, up to 5 mindstates per cast, stat/skill boosts.
DOWNSIDE: Long prep times.

combat_spell_training: &cst
    abbrev: BLESS
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 42
    - 42
    abbrev: MAF
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 42
    - 42
  Sorcery: # Label the spell as sorcery!
    abbrev: cv
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 30
    - 30
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