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Jay Ryan edited this page Mar 6, 2021 · 18 revisions

Paladin is a very straight forward guild, they train like all the other magic guilds. You will find your armors outpacing your weapons, this is going to happen, and you really cannot help it. Ways to combat this is with some type of ranged spell sorcery, Tailwind is the only one available.

Paladin Quests

You will be required to journey on some quests for abilities, there is a WIP script which fully handles, helps, or is in need of addition, but it should be useful. Any additional support or help for these is much appreciated!


Combat Training


This skill is easymode, add this to your YAML and never think about it again.

  Smite: 60

I simply train all skills I can in combat, and I train all weapons. We are warriors first and foremost, we need to train all weapons, and with our skillsets... why wouldn't you!


Train all the weapons!

use_weak_attacks: false # True here will just jab quickly, use this lower level and only if your weapons have puncture!
  Brawling: ''
  Crossbow: maple stonebow
  Bow: cypress bow
  Slings: sling
  Heavy Thrown: allarh
  Light Thrown: bola
  Polearms: allarh
  Staves: nightstick
  Twohanded Edged: blade
  Large Edged: longsword
  Large Blunt: sledgehammer
  Small Blunt: marlingspike
  Small Edged: gladius
  Twohanded Blunt: maul


Train offhand weapon with aiming_trainables, this enables you to use single handed template weapons or small weapon only (swappable 2HE/2HB do not work), and attack with the left hand while aiming. This really speeds up training!

Note you will need a light crossbow for this, or you will stop aiming
using_light_crossbow: true
- Brawling
- Staves
- Small Edged
- Small Blunt
- Light Thrown
- Heavy Thrown


You should be wearing all different armors at all times, by circle 30 the penalty is completely gone, and Paladins are the only guild that can do this, up to that point you may consider swapping, but it's not really imperative.

Gloves are cheap, easy, and most importantly early on... light weight.
  - scale gloves
  Plate Armor:
  - plate gauntlet
  Chain Armor:
  - ring gloves
  Light Armor:
  - embroidered gloves

Survival Training

Stealth, Thievery, & Locksmithing

Avoid Burgle (Stealth & Thievery training), this will negate your ability to circle for Thievery. Once you hit 200th though, this becomes a non issue (as of this time, 03/2021). Stealth is very difficult to train efficiently for Paladin, as combat is the best way, and attacking from stealth lowers our Soul State.


You can fully train Locksmithing, but you will not go as fast as your combats, eventually outleveling the Locksmithing ranks and needing supplemental hunts to get boxes. You can set up box farming hunts by doing the following. Designate a box only hunt as marked below, you will need some knowledge of multiple file hunting.

- :zone:
  - goblin_shaman
  - goblins
  :duration: 20
  - d0
  - boxes
  boxes: true
box_loot_limit: 10  # Loot this many boxes
box_hunt_minimum: 20 # Hunt if the count of current boxes on hand is this or lower
picking_box_source: shadows # Where to put the looted boxes for the pick script to find

The code will check if the hunt is for boxes, and then check how many you have on hand. If you need more boxes, it will go get them, if not, it will continue to the setup file's hunt.

Training Manager

Set up a hunt as below for Training Manager.

- boxes
- setup

Set up a hunt as below for T2.

- skill: Locksmithing
  start: 12
  - go2 buffroom
  - buff prebuff
  - hunting-buddy boxes #assumes file named Char-boxes.yaml with appropriate settings
  - go2 pickroom
  - locksmithing

If you want to train stealth in combat, the below settings will help.

dont_stalk: true
stealth_attack_aimed_action: snipe # OR poach if you don't have snipe yet! 
use_stealth_ranged: true

Alternatively, you can just hide on a cooldown:

  Stealth: 30 # Hides every 30s, will stop hiding at mind lock.

Use the locksmithing script. It will attempt to use whatever trainables, like the keepsakes above, and then pop boxes until locked.

Training Manager

The above settings will continue to attempt to mindlock Locksmithing using the other scripts if the settings exist and the skill after burgle failed to do so.

- skill: Locksmithing
  start: 20
  - burgle start
  - go2 ####
  - locksmithing
  - safe-room
Pick Settings

You can find the details of this script here.

lockpick_room_id: *safe_room
use_lockpick_ring: true
skip_lockpick_ring_refill: false
lockpick_ignore_difficulty: false
stop_pick_on_mindlock: false
harvest_traps: false
box_loot_limit: 20
box_hunt_minimum: 20
picking_box_source: shadows
picking_box_storage: carryall
lockpick_type: stout iron
lockpick_dismantle: whistle

You can find the details of this script here.

# use ;pick and pick settings first
pick_live_boxes: false
# second option to a daily use lockbox trainer like a training box or harvest bag
have_training_box: false
picking_lockbox: training box
picking_worn_lockbox: false
# consumable boxes will be pulled from your burgle loot_container and should be kept separate from live boxes.
# list as many as you want - though it will try from the top down.
- keepsake box
#- liquor cabinet


Simply train this with the athletics script.

Training Manager
- Athletics
- skill: Athletics
  start: 12
  - burgle start
  - athletics

You can make Athletics train higher once you get to larger ranks by holding items, Athletics.lic handles this with:

  - bolts
  - arrows


There are a couple ways to train this, but the straightforward ways are during combat-trainer and athletics.

Note that this is extremely time consuming, and I don't do this.
Combat Trainer
  Collect: 240

Eventually this gets to a point where you will train during wait timers for the high-level training areas. Simple add these to your list and you will pick a random room to collect in, it can be as few or many as desired.

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Magic Training

I recommend to train as much magic during combat as you can, the system will weave it into the rest of combat training skills. This utilizes our uptime. You will need two setttings for this, one trains offensive magic, and the other trains the others.

Crossing Training

The system will discern and attempt to cast the spells at a set % which needs to be raised as you gain more ranks.

- Augmentation
- Utility
- Warding

You also need:

prep_scaling_factor: 0.75
    abbrev: MAF
    symbiosis: true
    abbrev: EASE
    symbiosis: true
    abbrev: GAF
    symbiosis: true

Combat Trainer

Targeted Magic & Debilitation

I personally suggest a multistrike sorcery spell when you can to get the most bang for your buck, Fire Shard is a good example.

- name: Footman's Strike
  cast_only_to_train: true
  mana: 3
- name: Stun Foe
  cast_only_to_train: true
  mana: 2

Augmentation, Utility, & Warding

I don't suggest using mandatory hunting buffs for this step, you can inadvertently nerf yourself by casting your spells under the 20% mark and for shorter durations. Use generic spells not required. I like Analogous Magic spells for this.

Note you can train sorcery here as well!
combat_spell_training: &cst
    abbrev: ease
    mana: 10
    - 10
    abbrev: gaf
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 10
    - 10
    abbrev: maf
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 10
    - 10
    abbrev: ab
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 5

Paladin Specifics


Training Manager

Training Manager will automatically handle this throughout it's permutations, so it should be straight forward with these settings.

pray_to_chadatru: true
tithe: true


- skill: Large Edged
  start: 12
  - charge-holy-weapon
  - pray-chadatru
  - get2 buffroom
  - buff pre
  - hunting-buddy setup
  - safe-room
  - sell-loot Shard
  - restock

Prayer Badges

Get a Prayer Badge, you will need a Cleric to help get you one. Run the pilgrimage script afterward.

paladin_use_badge: true


Mana glyph is supported with combat-trainer. Enable this once you obtain it.

paladin_use_mana_glyph: true

Holy Weapon Charging

You will need to handle creating your own Holy Weapon, but this will keep it charged, with or without an icon. The script you will use is the Charge Holy Weapon. You do not need an icon for charging, it will use the Crossing or Shard's locations for charging if no icon is set.

  weapon_name: serrated khopesh
  # icon_name: shark icon
  # icon_container: rucksack
  # icon_room: 2866

Using the script with the trainer. You can automatically use this script by invoking it as a before/after for Training Manager, or in a subsection of T2.

Training Manager

- :zone:
  - goblin_shaman
  - goblins
  :duration: 20
  - d0
  - charge-holy-weapon


- skill: Large Edged
  start: 12
  - charge-holy-weapon
  - pray-chadatru
  - get2 buffroom
  - buff pre
  - hunting-buddy setup
  - safe-room
  - sell-loot Shard
  - restock

HLC YAML Examples

Vuulag: Paladin hunting Intercessors+ Valkiss: Somewhat outdated

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