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Necromancer Tutorials

Jonas Andersson edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 27 revisions

Necromancer Tutorials


Healing in Combat

Here are some useful settings for using Devour in combat. This will properly prepare a corpse for consumption and cast Devour until you are free of wounds visible on HEALTH. You can replace Consume Flesh here, but it will only be cast once per corpse.

stop_hunting_if_bleeding: false  
    abbrev: devo  
    mana: 20   
    - 10  

Harvesting in Combat

This will first PRESERVE then HARVEST corpses. It will discard any material harvested below mediocre quality, and check the container for material, stowing if less than the number indicated is found.

  ritual_type: harvest
  heal: true
  store: true  
  harvest_container: back   
  harvest_count: 5

Training Thanatology Efficiently

Use the cycle setting in ritual_type. This chooses between 'dissect', 'harvest' and 'preserve' depending on the mindstate of First Aid and Skinning. If both are nearly mind locked then preserve is done.

  ritual_type: cycle
  heal: true
  store: true  
  harvest_container: back   
  harvest_count: 5

Using Zombies

Using a zombie requires a waggle set called 'zombie' and some settings under the zombie heading in your settings file. If you have no idea about waggle sets then look at Waggle Sets for a tutorial. Zombies are always unsummoned at the end of a hunt.

Defining the Spells

You need a waggle set called 'zombie'. It needs to contain the CfB spell. In the future this might contain spells like Reverse Putrecation

    Call from Beyond:  
      mana: 30         
      - 32             

Defining Zombie Settings

  make: false            # Make a zombie during combat? Uses CfB settings from the zombie spell set.
  summon: false          # Summon zombie during combat? 
  stance: offense        # Zombie stance to set once summoned
  behavior: aggressive   # Zombie behavior to set once summoned


Training Attunement

Attunement gets trained with the ;attunement script or with - Attunement listed in your crossing-training skills list. It powerwalks in town (usually).

You can define your own attunement rooms for power walking. Make a list of room id's to have the attunement training script walk you through them.

- 123
- 1234
- 12345                

This power-walks through each room in the list.

You can also supply a waggle set called 'attunement' to precast any spells you'd like such as EotB or RoG before the walk starts.

    Eyes of the Blind:    
      abbrev: eotb        
      - 48   
    Call from Beyond:  
      mana: 30         
      - 32                      
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