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Moon Mage Tutorials

Jonas Andersson edited this page Sep 18, 2017 · 25 revisions

Moon Mage Tutorials

Check this page for tutorials on how to configure your setup file for moon mageing

Casting Invocation of the Spheres

Invocation of the Spheres is a stat buff ritual spell that is cast on a planet. You need to have a telescope for casting this spell via script. You'll pull out your telescope and attempt to center it on each planet, letting the script know which planets are out. This incurs no rt, so its pretty fast but a little spammy.

Next you need to set up the spell data in your set up file. This is confirmed to work in waggle_sets and buff_spells.

Invocation of the Spheres:     
  mana: 700                    
  focus: staff                 
  worn_focus: true             
  - Agility                    
  - Discipline                 
  - Wisdom                     

The list called stats is specific to this spell. This is a list of stats you want to buff, in order. So, in this example the spell will attempt to cast on an agility buffing planet. If no planet is out that buffs agility, then it will try for a discipline planet.


Training abilities in combat

You can train attunement and astrology with the following settings

  PercMana: 60
  Astrology: 300

Please note that PercMana is not the same as Perc which the other guilds use. Perc does not work via the scripts for Moon Mages. Also note that astrology is trained via predict weather, which teaches terribly or not at all beyond ~200 ranks.

Using moon weapons in combat

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Astrology training is done via the ;astrology script.

Configuring the script

Setting up the spells

Astrology training uses a waggle set called astrology. You'll need to make one to use the ;astrology script with any effectiveness. Follow the tutorial on Waggle Sets if you've never set one up before. As a bare minimum, you will want Piercing Gaze in that set. Other useful spells include: Aura Sight, Read the Ripples, Destiny Cipher, and Clear Vision.

Defining a custom training routine

You can optionally define a custom training routine if you want to do something other than the default routine (like use Read the Ripples, predict events, or walk the astral plane). To do this make a list called astrology_training

- observe
- rtr
- events
- weather
- moons
- ways

The above list will do the following in order: make an observation, use read the ripples, predict events, predict the weather, perceive the moons, and walk the astral plane. This is entirely too much, but just an example of all the possible options.

Training astrology via astral walking

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Training astrology with Read the Ripples

  • Make sure RtR and Piercing Gaze are in your astrology spell set.
  • Add rtr to the astrology_training list.

If you don't have an astrology_training list as shown above, then you'll need to make one.

Tip: If you add observe before rtr then you will get a 'free' observation as RtR resets this observation timer once its cast. Also, RtR, observe, and moons are more than enough to mind lock a moon mage.

- observe
- rtr
- moons

Using divination tools

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