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Mahtra edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 91 revisions

New installs on Windows

If you need help with these instructions, please see us on the lich Discord, in the #install channel.

  1. Steps for new installs using Wrayth (formerly known as Stormfront)
  • download Ruby4Lich5.exe from github
  • Run the installer you just downloaded (new lich5 folder should be placed on your desktop)
  • Move your lich5 folder from your desktop.
    • Cut your folder, then Navigate to c:\ruby4lich5\ and paste your lich5 folder.
  • Log into DR using the lich launcher (double click the lich.rbw in the lich5 folder, a connection window will pop up for you to input your account info. You can make a shortcut to lich.rbw on your desktop if you want to.)
    • Wait until it's all done. It will say "All Done!" in your in-game window when it's finished.
  • Log out and then Log back into game - Done.
  1. When the above is all done... consider the following
  • ;jinx install script lnet --repo=elanthia-online Will install the lnet script, which allows you to use ;chat in game
    • ;autostart add lnet Will add lnet to that character's autostart list
    • ;autostart add --global lnet Will add lnet to all character's autostart lists
  • ;setupaliases this will set up common commands that you can use, such as typing map to bring up narost, and cc to check your circle requirements
  • If you are just coming back from a long time away, make sure monsterbold is set. run SET MONSTERBOLD
  • We have some sample config files in Samples. They're named by class, and some folks have kindly shared the yamls they use. Use named yamls with care. The Samples are very good...
  1. You might want to add some scripts you download to run automatically when you log in:
    • ;e autostart('script-name') will start it for all of your characters
    • ;e autostart('script-name', false) will start it for only this character
    • ;e echo(list_autostarts) will show you the files being autostarted on a given character
    • ;e stop_autostart('script-name') will remove an autostarted file from the list
    • ;e autostart(['textsubs', 'roomnumbers']) to add many scripts at once. This one is highly recommended for every person to run.
    • Detailed autostart documentation
  2. Type ;links to see links to other helpful resources, including this guide.
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