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Hiinky edited this page Apr 23, 2020 · 6 revisions

Learning First Aid

Textbooks and compendiums allow a character to read a book to learn first aid and scholarship skills. Using information stored on Elanthipedia we know approximately how much scholarship is required for each chart. However, just because a character can read a chart does not mean they should study that one. Factors in successfully reading a chart and how much experience is gained is based on scholarship, first aid, and mental stats with the precise formula unknown. It is through much testing that a selection scale has evolved and been integrated in the first-aid.lic script.

The First Aid Strategy is to capture the character's actual scholarship then modify it on a sliding scale and select charts based on that effective scholarship number. Below is the default scale built into first-aid.lic.

Effective Scholarship Modifier

Actual Scholarship - Modifer = Effective Scholarship for Chart Selection

Effective Scholarship Modifier Scale

Advanced Options

If a character is still struggling to learn first aid and/or scholarship due to an imbalance between the two, further options are available. Only use these if you thoroughly understand the modifier scale.

# Allows selection of quantity of charts to read.
number_of_firstaid_charts: 25

# Allows manually defining the Effective Scholarship Modifier scale
firstaid_scholarship_modifier: 200

Adjusting the modifier to a smaller number would select higher ranked charts where a larger number would select lower ranked charts based on Elanthipedia Anatomy Chart data.

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