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Jay Ryan edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 19 revisions

Clerics are one of the easiest guilds to climb the hunting ladder, here are the basics.

Combat Basics


Let the combat trainer handle training your defenses, but set the YAML to prioritize Parry Ability, our strongest defense. stance_priority: Parry Ability


Buffing for Clerics is pretty straight forward, and they have the strongest buffing in the game.

Maintain the following buffs always:

  • Centering: Balance heal, useful always.
  • Minor Physical Protection: Percentage damage reduction.
  • Major Physical Protection: +Defending +Evasion, the two most important stats for climbing the ladder. This ability is incredible.
  • Persistence of Mana: Attunement buff for the skill, and increase Attunement regeneration. This makes Clerics have very little mana issues.
  • Shield of Light: +Shield Usage, also conjures a shield if needed, though not really used anymore. Very strong.
  • Benediction: Bonus Agility, Reflex, and Strength, varied, but incredible.
  • Manifest Force: Barrier spell all mages can use, deflects/wards against attacks. Runs out by timer or by attacks absorbed.


  • Protection from Evil: Use vs. undead
  • Bless: Use vs. undead

Osrel Meraud

Once you open up the Osrel Meraud spell, you basically never have to buff again. Creating the Osrel Meraud is a routine, but I have automated it through the om.lic script. You need two waggle sets named create_om and buff_om. You then need spells capable of absorbing into the OM orb, please reference Elanthipedia for said spells. The spells need to have the cast: touch orb setting added.


    Osrel Meraud:
      cast: cast orb
      recast: -1
      mana: 100
      - 100
      mana: 50
      - 50
      cast: touch orb
    Major Physical Protection:
      mana: 50
      - 50
      cast: touch orb

Magic Training

Most casters train the same way. As with most magic, if not all, casting the spell at 1 mana of minimum prep trains the skill completely, and bypasses any type of resistance. Most undead require this. Mana doesn't directly increase EXP gains. You can train to 1750 ranks of Targeted Magic with 31 mana FOU's, easily. Training Clerics is not as varies as some, such as the Warrior Mage, and is really done with one method.


Hydra Hex + Malediction is an AOE debil which will reduce the effectiveness of critters by 20% across the board. It takes 250 skill to run effectively and auto-pilots the training of debilitation. You will never have to worry about debil moving, it will always be locked. Not only does this skill train debil, it also effectively decreases the ability, offensively and defensively of the critters you are fighting, making uphunting with weapons and buffs incredibly easy.

  Hydra Hex:
    recast: 0
    mana: 31
    cast: cast male
    expire: murk around you subsides

Targeted Magic

The early training for TM is between two spells, Horn of the Black Unicorn (HORN) and Fists of Faenella (FF). This really is about personal preference, I've used both, and while FF is MULTRISTRIKE (meaning you get more bang for your buck per cast), it ultimately trains about the same speed as HORN. I personally like HORN now for the messaging and I also think it hits harder.

Eventually you get the spell Fire of Ushnish, this is an AOE multistrike ability, with a second pulse right after. You can get 4-5 mindstates with a single cast, making TM training a non-thought later on.

- name: Horn of the Black Unicorn
  mana: 2
  max_threshold: 1   # Use if only 1 target is in the room
- name: Fire of Ushnish
  mana: 31
  min_threshold: 2 # Use if more than 1 target is in the room


For these skills, as with all magic users, stick to spells that have no requirement while hunting. You don't want to use a required buff spell like Benediction while training, you will be casting at lower mana levels, especially later, effectively lowering their bonus and hindering your ability to hunt. Luckily Clerics have some great choices for training, native to their own guild. You can also choose some good Analogous Pattern spells. I personally use Bless for Utility, MAF for Warding (this spell being recast during combat while high priority is fine to recast, since it falls off!), and EASE for Augmentation. These will last a very, very, very long time.

Set them up to train in combat, which is the most efficient way. NOTE THAT YOU CAN TRAIN SORCERY HERE AS WELL!

    abbrev: BLESS
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 36
    - 36
    abbrev: MAF
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 36
    - 36
    abbrev: EASE
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 36
    - 36
    abbrev: CV
    symbiosis: true
    mana: 33
    - 33

Crossing Training

While not recommended, if using Training-Manager:

- Augmentation
- Warding
- Utility

Cleric YAML Specific Settings


Tithe to the church during Crossing-Training tithe: true

If you have a Prayer Mat, this setting will use it during Combat-Trainer to help maintain your Devotion. prayer_mat: prayer tapestry

Used for bead carving. immortal_aspect: Viper


All supplies that you use with the Theurgy script should be in this container. theurgy_supply_container: satchel

Some type of sharp object. flint_lighter: sword

Self explanatory. water_holder: chalice

Will pray over the body of NON-undead, make sure you handle this. last_rites: true

Osrel Meraud Specific

One of the three Aspects of Meraud will be used, they are basically different colors for your OM's orb. osrel_favor_god: Firulf

When INFUSING your OM with mana, which maintains and keeps it active, before 600 Attunement you will need to HARNESS mana before you INFUSE. Eventually you can set this to true and directly INFUSE. osrel_no_harness: true

How much to infuse. osrel_amount: 50

Theurgy Training

The theurgy.lic script will train Theurgy making the training pretty much automatic and non-thinking. Below are the settings that run without making changes to your own YAML. As you get experience you will make adjustments to this to more accommodate what you want to accomplish. Use the link above for more specific help regarding this script.

# Tithe 5 silver at the local almsbox.  Requres tithe: true
- tithe
# Study the wall in the Crossing temple.
- study_wall
# Meditate at the Crossing guild refectory
- refectory
# Carve a prayer bead.
- carve_bead
# Find and plant a sirese seed.
- sirese_seed
# Take a holy bath, you savage.
- bathe
# Pray on a prayer badge.
- pray_badge
# Medidate on a carved prayer bead.  Marvel at the special effects.
- meditate_bead
# Dance in front of an altar.
- dance
# Wave incense at an altar
- incense
# Pour wine on an altar.
- wine
# Recite the same prayer as everyone else in front of an altar.
- recite_prayer
# Clean an altar with holy water.
- clean_altar
# Clean your anloral pin.
- clean_anloral
# Read a prayer parchment in a populated place.
- embarass_myself
# On second thought, let's not.
- embarass_myself
# theurgy_exp_threshold: 0 would run all possible things.
theurgy_exp_threshold: 33
theurgy_use_prayer_mat: false

Training in Training-Manager

Make sure to put the higher priority skills at the top, Theurgy being most important for moving.

- Theurgy

Training in T2

Just make this your first priority in your training list.

- skill: Theurgy
  start: 12
  - burgle start
  - theurgy

Cleric Guild Quests

Clerics have the requirements of quests for leveling at some circles. There is a script that is able to complete or assist in most of these, you can also check Elanthipedia for the guides.

Example Cleric YAMLs

Ugsy - A bit outdated, but may be easier to follow for newer users!

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