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Alec Dundes edited this page Apr 7, 2019 · 6 revisions

Bards don't train abnormal from many other magic using guilds. The basics are still the same. Secondary combats is a slower road than most guilds, but the power is pretty great later on.

Training Offensive Magics

We're a little tricky due to our cyclics. BOS doesn't teach TM well, but PYRE does. DMRS teaches debil great, but it also stuns and knockdowns, so your defenses don't get trained as well. There are three ways to train that I can see.

  1. Probably the most efficient way, but requires a Fire Ball scroll. Run a cyclic debil, I just like DALU, with Fire Ball. Being Elemental, it just works well and trains with ease.

  2. You can run two offensive cyclics. this will swap between the cyclics and lock both skills. I normally run this method due to not wanting to find Fire Ball scrolls, etc... it's free.

- skill: Debilitation
  name: Damaris' Lullaby
  cast_only_to_train: true
- skill: Targeted Magic
  name: Phoenix's Pyre
  cast_only_to_train: true
  1. Thirdly, you can just run BOS with either a debil cyclic or DMRS. BOS doesn't train very well, but it does train.

Training Bardic Lore

You use screams:

  Scream: 60

If needed, will scream every 60 seconds.


For this, it's just straight time consuming and pointless. Strong guild, but this is a dumb skill. It's run automatically with crossing training:

- Performance

Alternatively you can run it as a before in your hunt; make sure you set a - go2 #### before, otherwise you'll just start playing zills wherever you are currently. Crossing Training doesn't have this caveat.

- :zone:
  - void_moths
  - fuligin_moths
  - d0
  - main
  :duration: 30
  - performance
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