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Boost Networks

dkappe edited this page Apr 25, 2019 · 6 revisions

A Little History

A little while back the antifish project made a splash by apparently outperforming the equivalent Leela nets. The idea was playing the antifish net (initially just a T30 network) against a dumbed down SF10. This, so went the hypothesis, would allow antifish to outperform SF10, by training against these games at a very low learning rate. And amazingly it seemed to work.

I had a somewhat different hypothesis, however. That was that running supervised learning data from alpha beta engines at very low learning rates could sharpen a network. So I tried my hand at it. Batch size 1024, lr 0.00001 using CCRL data. The sweet spot was 1000 steps.

I tried it on 32930 and my own net, Maddex. It always bumped up the performance by about 30 elo.

The Nets

Performance: 32930

Very premilinary at 2+2 on a 1060:

   # PLAYER              :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)  CFS(%)    W    D    L  D(%)
   1 stockfishTB3        :       0   ----   309.0     494  62.6     100  179  260   55  52.6
   2 32930               :     -79     36    74.5     190  39.2      74   26   97   67  51.1
   3 32930-boost-7000    :     -97     36    68.5     186  36.8      64   17  103   66  55.4
   4 32930-boost-1000    :    -107     44    42.0     118  35.6     ---   12   60   46  50.8

White advantage = 59.37 +/- 10.81
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 58.68 % +/- 2.51

Performance: 41800

So far, 1+1:

   # PLAYER              :  RATING  ERROR  POINTS  PLAYED   (%)  CFS(%)    W    D    L  D(%)
   1 stockfishTB3        :       0   ----  1014.0    1732  58.5     100  550  928  254  53.6
   2 41800               :     -47     19   253.0     581  43.5      78   88  330  163  56.8
   3 41800-boost-1000    :     -57     19   242.5     575  42.2      97   94  297  184  51.7
   4 41800-boost-7000    :     -84     20   222.5     576  38.6     ---   72  301  203  52.3

White advantage = 62.03 +/- 5.48
Draw rate (equal opponents) = 57.52 % +/- 1.27