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Amol Upreti edited this page Mar 12, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Hybrid-Artificial-Potential-Field-A-star-Planning wiki!

Here we are trying to mix two known method of motion planning , A-star and Artificial-Potential Field method.

We are implementing these two methods using following two mixtures(Environment is considered to be static): We have find the planned path using A*, which will run offline ad find a path from source to destination. Now two variations of reactive method (Artificial Potential field ) is boosted by this already planned path.

  1. We know that A-star is offline algorithm, which calculates path to goal directly without any feedback from next frame. Now we can divide our planned path into local goals and use Artificial-potential method to get to those. This way it will be faster and cheaper.The algorithm goes like this.
local_goals = divide path from A* 
local_source = current source

local_goal = local_goals[0]

path = empty list

while local_source != final_goal:
    path += Artificial_potential_path(local_source, local_goal)
    local_source = local_goal
    local_goal = next(local_goals)

print path

2)Here we use A-star and Potential field simultaneously depending on some parameters. Currently in this code we are considering that parameter as distance from nearest obstacle. So algorithm goes like this.

If distance from nearest obstacle > k(some parameter):
    next position = A-star planner
    next position = Artificial-Potential-field planner
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