'##::::'##::::'###::::'##::: ##:'####:'########:'##:::'##:'##::::'##:'##::: ##:'########:'##::::'##:
##:::: ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:. ##::... ##..::. ##:'##:: ###::'###: ###:: ##: ##.....:: ###::'###:
##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::. ####::: ####'####: ####: ##: ##::::::: ####'####:
##:::: ##:'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:: ##::::: ##::::::. ##:::: ## ### ##: ## ## ##: ######::: ## ### ##:
. ##:: ##:: #########: ##. ####:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##. #: ##: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##. #: ##:
:. ## ##::: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:.:: ##: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:.:: ##:
::. ###:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:'####:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##: ########: ##:::: ##:
VanityMnem - create your vanity mnemonics - 2020-2022 Valerio Vaccaro
Create a valid Bitcoin mnemonic with a vanity address in a specific derivation.
Hey this is a PoC! I take no responsibility if you lose your bitcoins using this program! Be careful and use testnet!
You can install using pip.
pip install vanitymnem
Just call the program vanitymnem
vanitymnem -h
usage: vanitymnem [-h] [-v] [-n NETWORK] [-p PATTERN] [-P PASSPHRASE] [-t TWELVE] [-c CHILDREN] [-a ADDRESS]
Create a valid Bitcoin mnemonic with a vanity address in a specific derivation.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Be more verbose. Can be used multiple times.
-n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
main, test (default=test)
-p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
Regex for pattern
-t TWELVE, --twelve TWELVE
Twelve words (if false a twentyfour words mnemonic will be returned)
-c CHILDREN, --children CHILDREN
Check in children derivations from 0 to this value (default=100).
-a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
native_segwit, nested_segwit or legacy (default=native_segwit).
MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Valerio Vaccaro
Generate a mnemonic with a derivation with beef (with upper or lower case chars) in a mainnet legacy address (check on first 1000 derivations).
vanitymnem -p "^.*[bB][eE][eE][fF]" -n main -c 1000 -a legacy -v
'##::::'##::::'###::::'##::: ##:'####:'########:'##:::'##:'##::::'##:'##::: ##:'########:'##::::'##:
##:::: ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:. ##::... ##..::. ##:'##:: ###::'###: ###:: ##: ##.....:: ###::'###:
##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::. ####::: ####'####: ####: ##: ##::::::: ####'####:
##:::: ##:'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:: ##::::: ##::::::. ##:::: ## ### ##: ## ## ##: ######::: ## ### ##:
. ##:: ##:: #########: ##. ####:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##. #: ##: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##. #: ##:
:. ## ##::: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:.:: ##: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:.:: ##:
::. ###:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:'####:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##: ########: ##:::: ##:
VanityMnem - create your vanity mnemonics - 2020-2022 Valerio Vaccaro
Processed 37 mnemonics in 6 seconds (6 mnemonics per second).
Tested mnemonics: 37
Seed: 4942f7915d0ca896b0794c3e5db05394f13b6f764d8e3462a8a00a50d26504b28a8da5e5b786e20f9d7fd319b819584bf4fd1fd659a0e30823605f124791643d
Mnemonic: punch useful able actor gun coast arrow owner wear fold same scrub outside crisp cause dice inch bar employ lucky artefact soldier buddy whip
Master key: xprv9s21ZrQH143K3mYSRVTtrmyNDM7bhTwrhv4Kr8T3j2Z25bmLcdzCGUuuiK2iudotFQsCVFotwtH7eAki9qez9uZZ5Rzc3gPB8fZm6m4G1SC
Derivation: m/44'/0'/0'/0/66
Legacy address: 16HTutTekFFo3UJbuaBeEFcZ6cWokefLss
Generate a 12 words mnemonic with a derivation compatible with regex ^.*[vV][aA][lL][eE]
in mainnet address (check on first 100 derivations hardened) with passphrase test
vanitymnem -t true -P test -n main -v
'##::::'##::::'###::::'##::: ##:'####:'########:'##:::'##:'##::::'##:'##::: ##:'########:'##::::'##:
##:::: ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:. ##::... ##..::. ##:'##:: ###::'###: ###:: ##: ##.....:: ###::'###:
##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::. ####::: ####'####: ####: ##: ##::::::: ####'####:
##:::: ##:'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:: ##::::: ##::::::. ##:::: ## ### ##: ## ## ##: ######::: ## ### ##:
. ##:: ##:: #########: ##. ####:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##. #: ##: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##. #: ##:
:. ## ##::: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:.:: ##: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:.:: ##:
::. ###:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:'####:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##: ########: ##:::: ##:
VanityMnem - create your vanity mnemonics - 2020-2022 Valerio Vaccaro
Processed 101 mnemonics in 2 seconds (50 mnemonics per second).
Tested mnemonics: 101
Seed: e1493a1c19f4ec4a0b2f9647b66697a880b44b1c0b209f7bdff02c99e6093908d1dc7faded67ff1d115abfc27e769aa6e4e549481bc0733900cce2af3edcc8c8
Mnemonic: hammer throw trick invest circle walk that drink practice admit legal switch
Passphrase: test
Master key: xprv9s21ZrQH143K2urfneTLs7YSCpg8NkNNuqjCwMKU3g87ggpE6dxLmDNHnjXey4bQKoqZTL2q4Ttu8afUzyXUS8XziUSndNdwKx85ZnZzQXv
Derivation: m/84'/0'/0'/0/35
Native segwit address: bc1qk5srrutmvaletm2l0wt9309d6r3tcuqzgy60st
If you run this example your mnemonics will be different.
You can check generate address using iancoleman bip39 tool.