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120 lines (100 loc) · 6.78 KB

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120 lines (100 loc) · 6.78 KB


'##::::'##::::'###::::'##::: ##:'####:'########:'##:::'##:'##::::'##:'##::: ##:'########:'##::::'##:
 ##:::: ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:. ##::... ##..::. ##:'##:: ###::'###: ###:: ##: ##.....:: ###::'###:
 ##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::. ####::: ####'####: ####: ##: ##::::::: ####'####:
 ##:::: ##:'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:: ##::::: ##::::::. ##:::: ## ### ##: ## ## ##: ######::: ## ### ##:
. ##:: ##:: #########: ##. ####:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##. #: ##: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##. #: ##:
:. ## ##::: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:.:: ##: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:.:: ##:
::. ###:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:'####:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##: ########: ##:::: ##:
                  VanityMnem - create your vanity mnemonics - 2020-2022 Valerio Vaccaro

Create a valid Bitcoin mnemonic with a vanity address in a specific derivation.

Hey this is a PoC! I take no responsibility if you lose your bitcoins using this program! Be careful and use testnet!


You can install using pip.

pip install vanitymnem


Just call the program vanitymnem with

vanitymnem -h
usage: vanitymnem [-h] [-v] [-n NETWORK] [-p PATTERN] [-P PASSPHRASE] [-t TWELVE] [-c CHILDREN] [-a ADDRESS]

Create a valid Bitcoin mnemonic with a vanity address in a specific derivation.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Be more verbose. Can be used multiple times.
  -n NETWORK, --network NETWORK
                        main, test (default=test)
  -p PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
                        Regex for pattern
  -t TWELVE, --twelve TWELVE
                        Twelve words (if false a twentyfour words mnemonic will be returned)
  -c CHILDREN, --children CHILDREN
                        Check in children derivations from 0 to this value (default=100).
  -a ADDRESS, --address ADDRESS
                        native_segwit, nested_segwit or legacy (default=native_segwit).

MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Valerio Vaccaro


Generate a mnemonic with a derivation with beef (with upper or lower case chars) in a mainnet legacy address (check on first 1000 derivations).

vanitymnem -p "^.*[bB][eE][eE][fF]" -n main -c 1000  -a legacy -v

'##::::'##::::'###::::'##::: ##:'####:'########:'##:::'##:'##::::'##:'##::: ##:'########:'##::::'##:
 ##:::: ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:. ##::... ##..::. ##:'##:: ###::'###: ###:: ##: ##.....:: ###::'###:
 ##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::. ####::: ####'####: ####: ##: ##::::::: ####'####:
 ##:::: ##:'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:: ##::::: ##::::::. ##:::: ## ### ##: ## ## ##: ######::: ## ### ##:
. ##:: ##:: #########: ##. ####:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##. #: ##: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##. #: ##:
:. ## ##::: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:.:: ##: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:.:: ##:
::. ###:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:'####:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##: ########: ##:::: ##:
                  VanityMnem - create your vanity mnemonics - 2020-2022 Valerio Vaccaro
  Processed 37 mnemonics in 6 seconds (6 mnemonics per second).
Tested mnemonics:      37
Seed:                  4942f7915d0ca896b0794c3e5db05394f13b6f764d8e3462a8a00a50d26504b28a8da5e5b786e20f9d7fd319b819584bf4fd1fd659a0e30823605f124791643d
Mnemonic:              punch useful able actor gun coast arrow owner wear fold same scrub outside crisp cause dice inch bar employ lucky artefact soldier buddy whip
Master key:            xprv9s21ZrQH143K3mYSRVTtrmyNDM7bhTwrhv4Kr8T3j2Z25bmLcdzCGUuuiK2iudotFQsCVFotwtH7eAki9qez9uZZ5Rzc3gPB8fZm6m4G1SC
Derivation:            m/44'/0'/0'/0/66
Legacy address:        16HTutTekFFo3UJbuaBeEFcZ6cWokefLss

Generate a 12 words mnemonic with a derivation compatible with regex ^.*[vV][aA][lL][eE] in mainnet address (check on first 100 derivations hardened) with passphrase test

vanitymnem -t true -P test -n main -v

'##::::'##::::'###::::'##::: ##:'####:'########:'##:::'##:'##::::'##:'##::: ##:'########:'##::::'##:
 ##:::: ##:::'## ##::: ###:: ##:. ##::... ##..::. ##:'##:: ###::'###: ###:: ##: ##.....:: ###::'###:
 ##:::: ##::'##:. ##:: ####: ##:: ##::::: ##:::::. ####::: ####'####: ####: ##: ##::::::: ####'####:
 ##:::: ##:'##:::. ##: ## ## ##:: ##::::: ##::::::. ##:::: ## ### ##: ## ## ##: ######::: ## ### ##:
. ##:: ##:: #########: ##. ####:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##. #: ##: ##. ####: ##...:::: ##. #: ##:
:. ## ##::: ##.... ##: ##:. ###:: ##::::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:.:: ##: ##:. ###: ##::::::: ##:.:: ##:
::. ###:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##:'####:::: ##::::::: ##:::: ##:::: ##: ##::. ##: ########: ##:::: ##:
                  VanityMnem - create your vanity mnemonics - 2020-2022 Valerio Vaccaro
  Processed 101 mnemonics in 2 seconds (50 mnemonics per second).
Tested mnemonics:      101
Seed:                  e1493a1c19f4ec4a0b2f9647b66697a880b44b1c0b209f7bdff02c99e6093908d1dc7faded67ff1d115abfc27e769aa6e4e549481bc0733900cce2af3edcc8c8
Mnemonic:              hammer throw trick invest circle walk that drink practice admit legal switch
Passphrase:            test
Master key:            xprv9s21ZrQH143K2urfneTLs7YSCpg8NkNNuqjCwMKU3g87ggpE6dxLmDNHnjXey4bQKoqZTL2q4Ttu8afUzyXUS8XziUSndNdwKx85ZnZzQXv
Derivation:            m/84'/0'/0'/0/35
Native segwit address: bc1qk5srrutmvaletm2l0wt9309d6r3tcuqzgy60st

If you run this example your mnemonics will be different.


You can check generate address using iancoleman bip39 tool.