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Alpha v1.3.0

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@russjr08 russjr08 released this 24 Feb 08:26

In this latest release of Destiny Objective Tracker for Android, we started embracing The Darkness. Guardians were also granted the ability to make their own fate! This release should be reaching your devices through the Play Store soon.

New Features

  • (#24) DOT now follows Android's built-in Day/Night choice. If your device follows the calls of The Darkness, then DOT will now follow suit!

  • (#22) Guardians have the power to make their own fate, so why shouldn't they have choices in DOT? I can't think of a good reason either, so now DOT will include settings that allow you to modify it's behavior to suit your own needs. Note, this feature is still in heavy active development, so some settings might not work as expected.

Fixes / Tweaks / Other Adjustments...

  • (#23) [Partially completed] DOT now loads a smaller subset of your inventory, so initial app load times should be a bit faster now.
  • (c903bb4) Resolved an issue that caused Guardians to not be prompted for their choice of platform when first signing into DOT, this resulted in the app being stuck in an infinite load state until restarting the app. Whoops!