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Rishikesh Dhokare edited this page Feb 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

Testing is integral part of any application lifecycle. There are many levels of testing as per test pyramid and most of them follow similar set of steps -

  1. setup data
  2. execute the functionality
  3. verify the result

Often it becomes difficult or tedious to setup various types ``of data e.g. some random integer, string, date etc. In a test suite having many tests there is chance that you might end up repeating this data creation. Though its a test code, its really valuable in providing quick feedback and in a way confidence to the software team. This library is an attempt to help this data creation.

Import the library as below -

var fakedata = require('@rishikeshdhokare/fakedata');

Following are the set of api exposed through this library -

API Description Example
fakedata.boolean() returns true or false true, false, max) returns an integer greater than min and lower than max for min=1 & max=10 - 5, 9
fakedata.float(min, max, precision) returns a float greater than min and lower than max with precision for min=1, max=10 & precision=2 - 5.5, 9.4
fakedata.alphabetic(length) alphabetic string with length for length=5 - akqde
fakedata.alphanumeric(length) alphanumeric string with length for length=5 - miv97
fakedata.random(length) string with alphabets, numbers and special characters with length for length=5 - es28% random date Mon Feb 26 2018 22:31:26 GMT+0530 (IST)
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