Javascript library to create test data.
How to install?
npm install @rishikeshdhokare/fakedata
Following are the set of api exposed through this library -
API | Description | Example |
fakedata.boolean() | returns true or false |
true, false |, max) | returns an integer greater than min and lower than max |
for min=1 & max=10 - 5, 9 |
fakedata.float(min, max, precision) | returns a float greater than min and lower than max with precision |
for min=1, max=10 & precision=2 - 5.5, 9.4 |
fakedata.alphabetic(length) | alphabetic string with length |
for length=5 - akqde |
fakedata.alphanumeric(length) | alphanumeric string with length |
for length=5 - miv97 |
fakedata.random(length) | string with alphabets, numbers and special characters with length |
for length=5 - es28% | | random date | Mon Feb 26 2018 22:31:26 GMT+0530 (IST) | | random email address | [email protected] |