qrb_ros_imu is a package to publish the imu data from sensor service.
Qualcomm Sensor See framework provides IMU data that obtained from the DSP side via FastRPC direct channel. qrb_ros_imu uses this framework to get the latest imu data with high performance.
qrb_sensor_client, which is a dynamic library, is base on this framework for helping developers to utilize this feature. This will greatly reduce the latency between the ROS node and the driver. This time consumption measurement is around 0.4ms, which is several tens of times better than the performance where copying occurred before.
IMU data is widely used in robot localization, such as: SLAM (Simultaneous localization and mapping). These localization applications have more precise performance after integrating IMU data to predict position.
This package is accelerated by QRB ROS Transport, it leverages type adaption and intra process communication to optimize message formats and dramatically accelerate communication between participating nodes.
Note: To change the frame rate of the imu data, we need to change sensor service's configure file.
Currently, we only support use QCLINUX to build
Setup environments follow this document 's Set up the cross-compile environment. part
directory in<qirp_decompressed_workspace>/qirp-sdk/
Clone this repository under
git clone https://github.com/quic-qrb-ros/lib_mem_dmabuf.git git clone https://github.com/quic-qrb-ros/qrb_ros_transport.git git clone https://github.com/quic-qrb-ros/qrb_ros_imu.git
Build this project
export AMENT_PREFIX_PATH="${OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT}/usr;${OECORE_NATIVE_SYSROOT}/usr" export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages colcon build --merge-install --cmake-args \ -DPython3_ROOT_DIR=${OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT}/usr \ -DPython3_NumPy_INCLUDE_DIR=${OECORE_TARGET_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy/core/include \ -DPYTHON_SOABI=cpython-310-aarch64-linux-gnu -DCMAKE_STAGING_PREFIX=$(pwd)/install \ -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/install/share \ -DBUILD_TESTING=OFF
Push to the device & Install
cd `<qirp_decompressed_workspace>/qirp-sdk/ros_ws/install` tar czvf qrb_ros_imu.tar.gz lib share scp qrb_ros_imu.tar.gz root@[ip-addr]:/opt/ ssh root@[ip-addr] (ssh) tar -zxf /opt/qrb_ros_imu.tar.gz -C /opt/qcom/qirp-sdk/usr/
This package supports running it directly from the command or by dynamically adding it to the ros2 component container.
a.Run with command
Source this file to set up the environment on your device:
ssh root@[ip-addr] (ssh) export HOME=/opt (ssh) source /opt/qcom/qirp-sdk/qirp-setup.sh (ssh) export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=xx (ssh) source /usr/bin/ros_setup.bash
Use this command to run this package
(ssh) ros2 run qrb_ros_imu imu_node
b. Dynamically add it to the ros2 component container
This package is powered by QRB ROS Transport to optimize message formats and accelerate communication between participating nodes.
Will update in the future.
Thanks for your interest in contributing to qrb_ros_imu! Please read our Contributions Page for more information on contributing features or bug fixes. We look forward to your participation!
qrb_ros_imu is licensed under the BSD-3-clause "New" or "Revised" License.
Check out the LICENSE for more details.
PR Test