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Meeting 2019 12 13
Stephen Herbein edited this page Dec 17, 2019
1 revision
- Working Group Updates:
- Dave Solt: Implementation agnostic document
- Stephen Herbein: Slicing/Grouping of functionality
- Shane Snyder: Storage
- Jai Dayal: Dynamic workflows
- ASC Quarterly Meeting Planning - Jan. 23, 2020 (Virtual)
- Sketch agenda
- What ticket items will be available for reading?
- PMIx Standard: Open GitHub Issues and PRs
- PMIx Governance: Open GitHub Issues and PRs
Joshua Hursey (IBM)
Kathryn Mohror (LLNL)
Ralph Castain (Intel)
John DelSignore (RogueWave/Perforce/TotalView)
Stephen Herbein (LLNL)
Shane Snyder (ANL)
Howard Pritchard (LANL)
Martin Schulz (TUM)
Ken Raffenetti (ANL)
Thomas Naughton (ORNL)
David Solt (IBM)
- Next monthly meeting: Jan. 10, 2020
- Next quarterly meeting: Jan. 23, 2020
- Deadline for readings/changes is Dec. 23
- Governance Issues
- How to handle typos
- No semantic changes to the text, clearly wrong
- Nothing in governance document to handle this case (must go through full voting process)
- MPI has chapter committees that are responsible for maintaining chapters and have the power to fix grammar, spelling, and typos.
- Release Managers could be an analog for PMIx. If RMs and Chairs agree, then that is 4 people that will have looked at it.
- If anyone (in the community) objects (on the PR), then it should be brought to a full vote
- How far out to announce quarterly meetings
- Quarterly meeting agenda etc must be ready 4 weeks ahead
- This is to give people time to read and digest proposed changes
- Can be hard for WG champions and Chair to bring everything together so early
- Is a good discussion item to have at the quarterly meeting
- Quarterly meeting agenda etc must be ready 4 weeks ahead
- Could require posting an intent document or document draft 4 week ahead of time with the final version due 2-3 weeks ahead of time
- How to handle typos
- Working Groups
- Implementation Agnostic
- Next Meeting: Dec. 17
- Goal is to have the first chapter ready for a reading at the quarterly
- Made progress on Chapter 2 and started looking over proposed edits to Chapter 3
- Working through the idea that an implementation may only provide client APIs without server or tools APIs
- Could go through Chapter 2 as an informal reading to give a preview
- Slicing
- Next Meeting: Dec. 18
- Use-case documents are not in a shape currently for merging as PRs
- Could host a “plenary session” for use-cases with informal readings
- Storage
- WG has a mailing list and doodle poll sent out to get meeting time
- Looking to schedule meeting for first week back from new year holiday
- Will have 2-3 meetings before the quarterly, so nothing to formally read but will have time to plan first issues to tackle
- Dynamic Workflows
- Mailing list created
- Other
- Can create public GitHub repositories for the WGs
- Would provide w/in WG issue tracking
- Provide visibility to ongoing changes in WGs without adding “noise” to main repo from experimental ideas
- Concerns raised over forcing WGs to use separate repos, but as an optional thing it seems like a good idea
- Chairs will draft up a document outlining how these repos can be used and what the workflow would look like
- Can create public GitHub repositories for the WGs
- Implementation Agnostic
- ASC Quarterly
- Most of the meeting dedicated for WGs readings/plenary sessions and Technical/Use-case presentations
- New technical/use-case presentations
- Will have separate call for these along with quarterly call
- For anything “cool” that PMIx users have done recently or want to do
- Doesn’t have to be PMIx-specific yet; could be something like power management that you want to discuss how it could be worked into PMIx
- Very light on requirements
- ~15 minutes long
- No restriction on (un-)published etc.
- Deadline only a week or two out
- Open PRs
- Standard
- Already discussed Josh’s Chpater 3 PR for implementation agnostic WG
- Governance
- No new ones
- Standard
- Deadline for reading is next week (4wks advance of quarterly)
- Katheryn - Governance doc discussion
- Way to deal with small typo fix, avoid lengthy time for small edits like this
- Martin mentioned MPI model
- Ralph suggested you keep light
- Josh mentioned Release Mgrs could be equivalent of MPI chapter mgrs and could oversee things
- Josh notes that doc doesn’t get approved till quarterly and since using pull requests, all will have visibility
- At disgression of release mgrs and chairs for what should be fast pathed
- Discussion point for maybe changing deadline from 4wks to 2wks
- Would people want to adjust time cutoff?
- Stephen said 4 wks is good bc forces good discipline
- Dave mentioned 2wks might be helpful (Humor: a 2 weeks deadline extension)
- Martin raised idea that 4wks for posting, and 2wks for revisions and freeze 2wks out to make things a bit more dynamic - also encourages feedback window for some updates before a freeze
- Way to deal with small typo fix, avoid lengthy time for small edits like this
- Josh asked for WG updates and if they anticipate having readings
- Dave - Agnostic Doc WG
- Made progress on ch2 - terms & conditions
- Reading would be on ch1, and planning to have that reading at meeting
- Some progress on ch3 (from josh), starting to capture precious ideas that a client/server api could be supported, even if not support tools api
- Q: reading of ch1 and maybe ch2? Possibly a formal reading of ch1, and informal for ch2 (for familiarity)
- Stephen - slices/grouping WG
- Likely no formal reading b/c docs under development not intended for drop in to main doc. An informal reading of use case docs would likely be useful. A plenary session on this topic
- Q: discuss restructure? Or too prelim? Maybe too prelim, plan to look at Ralph’s tools example to possibly guide. Don’t want to do things too early bc merge conflicts will be problematic
- Q: should WG have separate repo (form) that they maintain and make changes in the fork. Like MPI WG approach. When it’s ready, the clean/final PR is taken up to main repo
- Stephen said he liked this too to help collaborate and help track things in the WG
- Josh raised point that adds some additional overhead, don’t want to force WG to do that. Possibly leave it up to WG leads. Would it be helpful to see outline of what MPI forum does to give example to help inform/guide WG chairs?
- Josh/Katheryn will take action to draft said outline for WG repos
- Shane - Storage WG
- Getting started, looking at first meeting in Jan before quarterly
- No plans for readings
- Getting things going
- Good to have some overview slides at ASC meeting for getting conversations started
- Jai - Dynamic Workflows WG
- Not able to meet today
- A mailing list has been created
- ASC Quarterly
- Josh share screen (I can’t see), tentative agenda
- See josh’s doc
- Outreach, Great attendance for SC BoF
- Open community update slots, eg 15min slots for relevant technical updates/related work, use case ideas, etc. can we leverage PMIx, etc. Use this as forum to intro current work, or ideas for exploration (new things)
- If targeting ISC workshop, need to submit request sooner than ASC quarterly - discuss at Jan monthly meeting
- PR reviews
- Already talked about some
- Next meeting Jan 10