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Edwin Installation Instructions

Connor Novak edited this page Feb 25, 2017 · 1 revision

Edwin Installation Instructions

Getting Code to Run

  1. Clone github repository into your catkin_ws/src folder
  • if you don't have ROS indigo, install it with these instructions (use ros-indigo-desktop-full)
  1. Install dependencies:

Basic processes:

- copy
- random
- time
- logging
- datetime
- pickle
- os
- sys
- serial
- re
- shlex
- threading
- subprocess
- struct

Ros packages

- std_msgs
- common_msgs (sensor_msgs)
- rospy
- rospkg
- roslib

Mathematical processing:

- math
- numpy
- scipy
- operator
- itertools

Visual processing:

- cv2
- cv_bridge
- Tkinter
- csv

Audial processing:

- pyaudio
- Queue
- alsaaudio
- audioop
- wave
- pocketsphinx
- sphinxbase
- espeak
  1. Under construction

Launch Files

robot.launch Fully operational launch of all demo systems.


  • Loads Edwin's brain (
  • Loads idle behaviors (
  • USB cam feed required (image_raw, camera_info)
  • Arm must be on (,,

robot_minimal.launch Mostly for quick behavior debugging. This is the minimum needed to "operate" Edwin. No camera.


  • Loads Edwin's brain (
  • Arm must be on (
  • Kinect must be on and connected.

robot_sight.launch Meant for testing only. This launch file only loads camera and Kinect scripts; the arm does not boot up.


  • Kinect must be on and connected.
  • USB cam feed required (image_raw, camera_info).