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Tutorial: Atom & Pycharm IDE

Minh-Khang Vu edited this page Aug 14, 2019 · 5 revisions

What is Pycharm?

PyCharm is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the Python programming language. Different from a text editor (e.i. Notepad, Sublime Text, Atom,...), an IDE provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. Pycharm, for example, provides a source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger.

Pycharm is one of many IDEs developed by JetBrains. JetBrains offers students free premium access to all their IDEs, which is a great opportunity to learn and get used to the IDE interface.

When to use Pycharm?

Use Pycharm when you work on a big project with multiple connected files. If you just edit only one file, you can just use Atom or Sublime Text.


Getting Pycharm

  1. First download the JetBrains toolbox:
  2. While waiting for the download, create a student account for JetBrains with your student email:
  3. Check your mailbox and verify your account.
  4. Install JetBrains toolbox, sign in with your created account and download Pycharm Professional.

Setting up Pycharm

  1. Follow this instruction to set up Pycharm with ROS: Note: if you update Pycharm using JetBrains toolbox, then the .desktop file will be reset and you need to do this step again.
  2. These shortcuts might be useful for you when using Pycharm. But first, let's set up two of them:

Go to File > Settings > Keymap and type close in the search bar inside the Keymap panel. Under Editor Tabs, change key shortcuts in Close to ctrl + w and in Close Others to ctrl + shift + w.

Change keymap to close tabs

  • ctrl + w: close the current tab
  • ctrl + shift + w: close other tabs
  • ctrl + alt + /: comment out the highlighted lines of code
  • ctrl + alt + L: auto-indent the file
  • ctrl + y: delete the highlighted lines of code
  • ctrl + F: find text in a file.
  • ctrl + R: replace text in a file
  • ctrl + shift + F: find text in a project, module, directory or scope (will not search for file names)
  • ctrl + shift + N: look for files with a specific name
  1. Font-size: the default font size is quite small. In order to change it, you can go to File > Settings > Editor > Fonts and update the size to 16.

Get familiar with Pycharm