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LC - Left Click Action
RC - Right Click Action

This page goes over specific tabs of the Actor Sheets

Skills Tab

The Skills tab lists all the skills of the Actor. It is separated into two sections: Basic and Grouped & Advanced

The Basic section only contains basic skills that don't have any specializations (specializations such as Stealth (Underground) or Melee (Basic))

The Grouped & Advanced section contains any skill that has a specialization ("grouped", includes any basic skills that have specializations) as well as any Advanced skills (grouped or not). When creating a new character, the Grouped & Advanced list will start out with grouped Basic skills, without a group. These are placeholders for you to fill in.

Example: When creating a new character, by default they start out with Ride, Melee, Stealth, and Entertain and Art in their Grouped & Advanced Skill section. These are all Grouped skills but without a group, and shouldn't be advanced until they are given a specialization. See |Skill Item Sheet| for more on skill specializations.

Extended Tests

There's two "modes" for the skills tab, Skills and Extended Tests. Extended Tests (image, right) lists all the currently Extended Tests the Actor is doing.


1. Skill Header - Header for each skill section, listing the column names.

  • LC - Left click on the + symbol to create a new, blank skill in that section

2. Skill Row - Lists the details of the skill, including name, characteristic, characteristic value, advancement value, and total skill value.

  • LC - Left click on a skill name or total to |Roll a Skill|

  • LC - Left click on the trash can icon to delete the skill

  • RC - Right click on a skill name to open up the |Skill Item Sheet|

  • Advancement Indicators - Next to some skill names you may see a + or a . These are Advancement Indicators and mark the skill as available to advance (either derived from the career or marked specifically in the |Item Sheet|). Note that the means that the skill is sufficiently advanced to be considered complete in the Actor's current Career.

    • LC- Left click on an Advancement Indicator to Advance the skill and spend the appropriate amount of Experience
    • RC- Right click on an Advancement Indicator to un-Advance the skill, refunding the appropriate amount of Experience

3. Extended Tests - Shows the number of Extended Tests active

  • LC - Left Click on the label or arrow to view the Extended Tests list

4. Untrained Skills - These are skills that are available to advance from your Career, but that the character doesn't currently have.

  • LC - Left click to add the skill to the actor, making it available to use and advance
  • RC - Right click to open the skill's sheet

5. Extended Tests Header - Header for the Extended Test list

  • LC - Left click the arrow to go back to the normal skill view
  • LC - Left click the + icon to add a blank Extended Test item

6. Extended Test Row - Lists details of a particular Extended Test, including name and current progress. See the |Extended Test Item Sheet| for more on how to configure Extended Tests.

  • LC - Left click on the name of the Extended Test to |Roll an Extended Test|
  • LC/RC - Left/Right Click on the SL Counter of an Extended Test to Increment/Decrement (respectively) the SL.
  • Item Controls
    • Speech Bubble - |Post| the Extended Test to Chat
    • Notepad - Open the |Extended Test Sheet|
    • Chevron - Open the Dropdown for the Extended Test
    • Trash Can - Delete the Extended Test

Talents Tab

The Talents tab displays the list of Talents that the Actor currently owns, while showing the number of times taken and the Tests value.


1. Talent Header - Header describing the talents.

  • LC - Left click on the A-Z sorting button to reorder the talents alphabetically.
  • LC - Left click on the + symbol to create a new, blank skill in that section

2. Talent Row - Lists the details of the Talent: Times taken, and the Tests property, if it exists.

  • LC - Left click on the name of the Talent to show the full description in a dropdown menu
  • LC/RC - If the Times Taken value is bold, that means it can be advanced (either provided from the career or forced from the |Talent Sheet|). left click to Advance the Talent and deduct appropriate experience, or right click to reverse the process.
  • Item Controls
    • Speech Bubble - |Post| the Talent to Chat
    • Notepad - Open the |Talent Sheet|
    • Chevron - Open the Dropdown for the Talent
    • Trash Can - Delete the Talent

3. Untrained Talents - These are Talents that are available to purchase from your Career, but that the character doesn't currently have.

  • LC - Left click to purchase the Talent, deducting Experience as appropriate
  • RC - Right click to open the Talent's sheet

Combat Tab

The Combat Tab displays everything relevant to combat in a concise and useful way


1. Advantage - This field lets you see and edit your current Advantage

2. Melee Weapon Header - Lists the properties of the weapons used and provides easy to use combat buttons

  • LC - Commonly used rolls are accessed via a simple button click
    • Fist - Roll an Unarmed Attack
    • Arrow - Roll the Dodge Skill
    • Question Mark - Roll an Improvised Weapon Attack

3. Weapon List Row - Each equipped weapon shows up here as their own row.

  • LC - Left click on a weapon name to roll a Weapon Attack

4. Offhand Toggle - If you have more than one weapon equipped, you can designate one of them as an Offhand Weapon. To learn more about the specifics around dual wielding, see |Dual Wielding|

5. Weapon Group - This displays the Weapon Group of the weapon (such as Basic or Polearm).

  • LC - Displays details of the Weapon Group, if any specials rules exist for it

6. Weapon Damage - This shows the Damage rating of the weapon

  • RC - Right Click to cause Damage to the weapon, reducing its Damage by 1
  • LC - Left Click to to repair the weapon, increasing its Damage by 1 if the weapon took damage.

7. Weapon Reach - Shows the Reach of the weapon

  • LC - Shows a description of the Weapon's reach, typically giving more details on how long the weapon is.

8. Miscellaneous Weapon Properties - Here general properties are displayed, such as whether the weapon is in the offhand, whether it's a two-handed weapon, or whether the weapon is loaded.

  • LC - Left click on the Loaded property to manually load or unload the Weapon. See |Weapon Rolls| for more information on weapon loading. Additionally, if the weapon has the Repeater Quality, this will instead be a numeric value. e.g. 4/4 Loaded. Left clicking in this case will add 1 to the loaded value
  • RC - Right Click to unload the weapon (or decrease loaded value by 1 if it is a repeater)

9. Weapon Qualities and Flaws - This shows what the weapon's current Qualities and Flaws are. Note that this is a compiled list taking all factors into account, such as ammo and skill. Note that if a Quality is greyed and crossed out, that means this Actor doesn't have the skill to use this weapon, meaning they lose all qualities of the weapon (but not from ammunition).

  • LC - Shows a textual description of the Quality or Flaw

10. Ammunition Selector - This selection allows you to change what ammo is being used by the weapon.

11. Weapon Range - For Ranged Weapons, instead of Reach, their numerical Range is shown (taking currently used ammo into account).

  • LC - Left click on the Range value to display a breakdown of the Range Bands and what modifiers are applied to each band.
    • LC - Left click on one of these range bands to roll an attack with that weapon preconfigured with that Range.


12. Hit Location Header - Shows the Hit Location as well as the current Damage Mitigation applied to that location. The Orange represents Armour, Blue represents Shield, and Green is the TB of the Actor.

  • RC - Right click on the Armour or Shield AP values to reduce by 1, representing damage to the item (from things such as Hack or Critical Deflection)
  • LC - Left click to repair/undo damage to that location

13. Individual Armour AP - Shows the AP value of each individual piece of armour worn

  • RC - Right click on the Armour or Shield AP values to reduce by 1, representing damage to the item (from things such as Hack or Critical Deflection)
  • LC - Left click to repair/undo damage to that location

14. Armour Qualities and Flaws - Lists the Qualities and Flaws of a specific piece of armour

  • LC - Shows a textual description of the Quality or Flaw

15. Mount Section - Shows the current mount, if one exists. If the Actor is not mounted, this area will be blank. You can add a mount by dragging and dropping an Actor into the mount section. Note that both Actors must be in the world, you cannot add a mount from the Compendium. See |Mounting| for more details.

  • LC - Left click on the mount's image to open the mount's Actor Sheet

16. Mount Controls - Here you can easily change the status of your mount

  • LC - the x button removes the mount from the Actor
  • LC - The down arrow button dismounts the actor, meaning the mount is still tied to the Actor, but they are not considered mounted. Click again to remount.

Effects Tab

The Effects tab lists both Items and Active Effects that modify the actor in some way. It lists Conditions, Temporary, Passive, Disabled, and Applied Effects, as well as Injuries, Criticals, Psychologies, Mutations, and Diseases.

For more on Active Effects and their implementation in the WFRP4e System, see |Active Effects|


1. Condition Icons - Shows the icon of each condition as it appears on the Actor token

  • LC - Show a textual description of the Condition

2. Condition Values - Shows how many of a certain Condition exists on the Actor, or whether they have the Condition or not.

  • LC - Increase the Condition by one
  • RC - Decrease the Condition by one

3. Temporary Effects List - Temporary Effects are effects that last a certain amount of time, or are given special designation as Temporary. This designation is important because Temporary effects are the only type of effect shown on the token.

  • LC - Left click on an Active Effect to open the |Active Effect Config|

4. Effect Controls - You can disable the effect, or delete it outright, by clicking the checkmark or trashcan respectively.

5. Injury List - Displays the list of Injury Items the Actor owns. Also displays the location of the injury and the duration.

  • LC - Left click on the Injury name to show a dropdown description of the Injury.
  • LC - Left click on the duration to decrease it by 1 day.
  • RC - Right click on the duration to increase it by one 1 day.

6. Critical List - Displays the list of Critical Items the Actor owns. Also displays the location of the Critical.

  • LC - Left click on the Critical name to show a dropdown description of the Injury.

7. Psychology List - Displays the list of Psychology Items the Actor owns.

8. Mutation List - Displays the list of Psychology Items the Actor owns.

9. Disease List - Displays the list of Disease Items the Actor owns, as well as time for the disease to incubate and its duration. Note: This section does not appear to players, only the GM can see it.

  • LC - Left click incubation to start incubation, or decrease its duration by 1
  • LC - Left click duration to start the duration, or decrease its duration by 1
  • Note: See |Disease| for more information on how to use Diseases.

10. Passive Effects - Passive Effects are generally effects that come from Items (such as Talents) that persist forever, unlike Temporary Effects, these do not show up on the Token.

  • LC - Left click on an Active Effect to open the |Active Effect Config|

11. Invoke Effect Button - This is an extra control button to execute an Invoke type Effect Script. For more on Effect scripts, see |Active Effects|.

12. Disabled Effects - All Active Effects that have been disabled show up in this list.

  • LC - Left click on an Active Effect to open the |Active Effect Config|

13. Applied Effects - Active Effects that are applied via targeting generally come from Items, and so can be applied via the "Apply" button that appears in their item dropdown. However, in the rare circumstance that they don't have a parent item, they show up here.

  • LC - Left click on an Active Effect to open the |Active Effect Config|

14. System Effect Selector - This selector lets a user add any general effect to the Actor. Effects that appear in this list sometimes don't have a parent item to go with it, or may just be useful to add without the parent Item. Examples include effects from the Stinking Drunk table, Exposure effects, and Symptoms. Notably, this is where you can add the Infighting effect, as well as the On the Defensive effect. See the |FAQ| for more on Infighting and On the Defensive.


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